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  • #56215

    Good evening Roger,

    My apologies for not replying sooner, however I hope this helps you out with what the Courts are awarding claimants against Anfi.

    Generally, all legitimate complaints , going back to 2002, have been upheld by The Court of 1st Instance in Maspolomas,and they have awarded twice the initial purchase price, any “deposits” and any other monies paid to Anfi within the statutory ” cooling off period”. Of late, claims against Maintainance fees have no longer been awarded.

    In our case we have been awarded twice the cost of two weeks in Gran Anfi, a deposit of £800 and £6000 paid at a later date. there is of course the Spanish Court’s “legal Interest” we are due on the total claim, payable by Anfi, from the date of the initial judgement. At the time of writing, this amounts to about 3% ( compound) of that figure calculated by the Court. In some instances, Court costs have also been awarded against Anfi.

    Only last week Anfi, according to CLA, have been fined some further 350k Euros from 6 claims.

    This is becoming the norm and one wonders how long Anfi can sustain these sort of losses and the legal fees they are having to pay out to “fight” the many thousands of claims now in the pipeline ? They have not won one single legitimate claim as far as I’m aware. Your money is being used to defend the indefensible as I see it.

    Good luck.




    Just to clarify that ” some members” have taken out claims against Anfi. Claims have been made against Anfi for mis selling etc., since 2002, the figure is between 125 and 130 alone, through JLCA. Many 100’s, by other Companies. I believe there is a near 100 % positive result, so far achieved by JLCA and those other Companies, at The 1st Instance Court at Maspolomas. Appeals are in the pipeline and , yes, it takes time, but we are confident that Anfi, having been found “Guilty” at 1st Instant Court, will eventually have to pay us substantial compensation for the alleged, fraudulent way the have conducted their business.

    Anfi is a business, NOT a cosy, cuddly, friendly institution. Remember that please.

    The sooner Anfi is taken over by Lopesan, the better for you all.



    The simple answer is ” None”. They will do whatever they want to make a profit, even to allegedly break Spanish and European law to achieve their objectives and if challenged, then fight it. In the meantime , those who set up and orchestrated these wonderful holiday opportunities and resorts, worldwide, bail out to others and YOU, pay the price.

    Not long after I bought at Gran Anfi, , I employed a Sales Manager, ( ex Timeshare Rep’ as it turned out) who opened my eyes to what was likely to happen to Anfi and other resorts.

    I decided to challenge Anfi, using a Spanish Law Firm.

    Timeshare is now a toxic product, get out as soon as you can !!!




    Having lived on The Solent Coast for many years, yes it is probably a combination of human waste, sun tan oil, general waste from food and drinks, from coastal craft, commercial vessels and out-pourings from farms and land based commercial operations.


    Perhaps Anfi and the local Authority  should have it analysed and report back to their “customers” ? ( Truthfully ) ??

    If in doubt……. don’t swim in it !!!


    Hello Brian,

    I have just read the posts on jelly fish and thought that most people were aware of these in and around the coastline.

    One other sea creature to be aware of that inhabits the shallow rocky areas offshore from is the sea urchin, fist sized , with black spikes all over.

    Equally  painful, if not more so, than a jellyfish sting. ( I have been done by both when diving and snorkling !!)

    Maybe a need for Anfi to put warnings ( and pictures) in all apartments ?


    Yep, heard the same sort of schpeel in 2002. Now much the wiser and so far successfully suing Anfi for such claims and more !

    Oh, by the way, The Spanish Open (Golf Championship), administered by The European Tour was going to happen at Tauro by 2007. This was stated by an Anfi Rep in 2002, who had an inkling we, as a family played golf. I will leave the rest of the promises to the future to you, to decide !!


    So, is Tauro going to be an hotel development as apposed to  certain “timeshare” schemes, which now appears  and is supported by  The Spanish  Supreme Court, to be a “toxic” and totally illegal sales strategy and sadly ,still a current practice by Anfi ?





    A Go-Cart track?? I hope for everyone’s sake the carts are electric!!🤔😜


    Dear all,

    From experience , as an ” Owner”  Anfi will only  do a deal if it is solely and financially beneficial to themselves and “locks” you into their schemes.

    Beware of “points” and “floating” deals as those “deals” or “sales” of late, may still contravene Spanish Timeshare Law made back in 1998 on which I and hundreds more are successfully  suing them, for the illegal “mis selling” of timeshare “points” , “floating” and “In perpetuity” Contracts.

    I am informed that  Anfi “sales”, as recent as 2014 and possibly those ongoing today, are going through The Courts in Gran Canaria and may also be deemed “null and void” and therefore illegal.

    Enjoy Anfi as you see it today…….

    But, beware, time(share)s are a changing!. And you’ll be the last to hear of those changes!!!




    Thanks David,

    Nicely put.

    Possibly why we and others with Points and Floating weeks were and still are experiencing great difficulty in booking into Anfi as and when we would like, as promised when we “bought”. I hope the situation radically improves for those  “owners” who wish to remain loyal.



    Hi Brian and Wolfgang,

    What in laymans’  , very plain English terms ,does this mean to us “Owners” and the future ramifications for our “Ownership Rights” ?




    Hi Brian,

    being “floating” owners for 15 yrs at GA , we have never been allocated an apt. above 3rd floor and always over  what was Gran Bahia Restaurant or further round towards the kids playground. One year we, we were ” privileged” to have a ground floor apt, directly outside the pool……..a fully equipped apt. for disabled persons! Neither my wife or I are in any way disabled or deserving of such a room. In fact, this “offer” distressed my wif e as having been a carer for her Mother, who died not long before the holiday, was most upset.

    Funnily, Anfi suddenly found an acceptable alternative for us. But, that was thanks to the Reception Staff at the time.

    I am told that ” floating” / “points” / owners are restricted to the lower three levels of all the Anfi sites. These are the apts sold or reserved for RCI?  

    I cannot confirm the above, but having asked Anfi to comment, have had no reply as yet!!




    This should  tell you and others a lot about how Anfi is going.

    Look at the nearby Sonnenland resorts ( I have stayed there) and their offerings and I predict Anfi will be the same in a very short period. ( beans, chips and burgers ) Already we have lost the tennis courts and the mini golf areas. We now have a plaza full of “fast food” outlets, without the usual International, Corporate names emblazoned on the building fronts ( Yet ). We now have a very tacky ” Fun Park” area, which , in all honesty is a complete mystery to me and others.

    As an “owner” at Gran Anfi, and seeing what is being done, may I offer a suggestion to Anfi management in advance of what I predict they are planning, get a baby buggy parking lot built and a baby changing room or rooms set aside for your future clients. ( And suitable waste bins on the pool patio area for the disposal of waste nappies/diapers etc., )

    That, I’m afraid, is the future for ” Owners” and paying “Guests” at Anfi !

    Maroa might be expensive, but at least it is an  adult oasis, as Gran Anfi was supposed to be.

    Discuss please.






    I would advise keeping in touch with whichever Lawyer is representing you and forget the English  Courts “Rules of Engagement” when it comes to a Spanish Court of Law!!! Totally different, but, be guided by what your Lawyer advises you to say, and how!!!








    out of courtesy, I hear what you say. Only time will tell.

    Best wishes




    I agree with you and after some thought, also agree that another means of  communication for us who are making claims should be employed. I will be in touch.

    There are definitely those who “love” Anfi,  and good luck to them now and in the future. Many , I know, will be benefitting from us who first “purchased” from Anfi……lesson learnt.

    There are  125 + who have been criminally duped by Anfi, and so far The Courts have agreed with their claims.  Anfi must have actively encouraged their representatives and staff to break the Law, even 2 or more years after the passing of The Law ,and we, have been consequently subjected to the  illegal Corporate practices by Anfi. We need to bear in mind, as I believe, Timeshare Operators throughout The World wide Spanish Legal Jurisdiction, were apparently given 2 years grace, from prosecution, by The Spanish Legislature to “put their house in order” and comply with The 1998 Law regarding Timeshare, without legal sanction against them , and actively address the situation with all their Clients and comply with The Law.

    I  was not informed of this legislation or received notification of it from Anfi or their means of rectifying the illegal situation they found themselves in….and us !

    To my mind, having been” sold”  further Timeshare floating points at Anfi in 2002 in contravention of the 1998 Law, is mildly taking the P*** by Anfi Management. They should not have allowed it.

    I am glad that there are people ” happy” with their “investment” and long may they benefit from it.

    To my mind, had I known that I was being sold a totally illegal product at the time, would not have done so, no more than buying a car that was illegal to put on the road or a property that was infested with say, Japanese Knotweed and the fact not disclosed to me.

    Even last year, an Anfi “Rep” tried to sell me a further week of “floating”&”points” at Monte Anfi and he would “upgrade” us to a “suite” in Gran Anfi……where we already own and were staying!!! You can guess my response, I cannot repeat my Wife’s !

    For those making or anticipating claims, I would in the first instance communicate with Julie Jordan as she states . You can be assured of her discretion when dealing with individuals as I have found.

    Good luck to all,……signing off……Angus.




    I don’t see the need to have a separate media group, we already have one area in which to voice all our opinions and thoughts on current claims against Anfi.

    It seems quite simple to me, there are 6 main Forums and some 27 sub catagories, of which only one is dedicated to “Claims” and is easy to locate.

    If you have something to say, that does not fall into the category of “Claims”….use one of the others, there are plenty to choose from, or create another.

    If it involves your claim or questions around and about claims, use the appropriate sub category of “Claims”, that will help and satisfy all of us, I think.

    As one of many “claimants” it is important to us to have and exchange informative dialogue amongst ourselves and the wider Anfi membership and not necessarily whether” Mario’s Bistro” in wherever, is good or bad for sea food.!! So, please do not clutter the “Claims Forum” up with irrelevant chatter.

    If you are not interested in the “Claims” Forum, don’t select it , but please do not criticise us claimants for posting important information on it. I for one wouldn’t post my “Claims” material on the one for restaurants, places to visit etc.,

    Please, think before you print!!




    I agree with Julie.  In addition any 3rd party will wish to be competitive with the likes of CLA. Take a look at their “take”  from the Client, on winning!! I guess it will be similar?



    Good evening all,

    May I share my last communication with JLCA with you? …and their very swift response?

    Fecha: 10 de abril de 2018, 21:01:36 CEST
    Para: 📂 José-Luis Campillo <>
    Asunto: Anfi Claim Fee Agreement No. 2016/1082-01


    I am deeply worried by the direction the claims against Anfi are going. I am receiving various accounts of how The Courts in Gran Canaria and Madrid are interpreting our claims and exactly where we all, as claimants, stand.

    Jean and myself presented our case to you in early 2017 and signed an agreement with you on 30/3/2017 to represent us based upon your estimation of the likelihood of a positive result in our favour. By the 27th April 2017 all necessary legal documentation was in place.

    We were not required by your practise to supply any further documentation or other evidence in support of our claim.

    On 14th February 2018 our case was presented for the first time to The Court  ( No3) in Gran Canaria. The case was heard and committed to a hearing on 16th May 2018 to which Jean and myself have been ordered to appear to give evidence, and to which we are fully prepared to do. I have since learnt that as a result of a decision by The Supreme Court in Madrid in September 2017 that claims for compensation for “maintainance” payments are no longer liable to be paid from that date and, more importantly from my point of view, our claim ( of early 2017 ) re-imbursement of maintainance payments is now regarded as a “ failure” of the prosecution’s case and as a result our overall claim is not fully established. This now appears to lead to The Courts to withhold or part award due compensation.

    This appears a very strange state of affairs. I must ask you, that when The Supreme Court made their decision in September 2017 why JLCA didn’t as a matter of course, withdraw our claim for maintainance payments, prior to initial Court proceedings in February, from the court papers and thus leave us with the probability of a 100% claim ? It appears that Anfi and the Courts are doing their best to frustrate the legal process. I would like to hear of your comments. Jean and myself are in Court No.3 on 16th May 2018 and we would really be appreciative to learn of all the facts ( possible pit falls ) of our case that are to be presented by one of your lawyers, in advance of the day of the hearing. We are available, at Gran Anfi from 8th May to discuss, in person ,our case with our appointed Lawyer.

    Kind regards



    Dear Angus,

    “We appreciate your frustration, and you are not alone in your concerns.

    Unfortunately we cannot predict changes that will be applied in the doctrine, only react once they have been done. It is not possible under Spanish Law to make changes to a claim once submitted and in process at court – it can only be completey withdrawn and the proces started from the beginning again, incurring additional legal fees. Law changes are beyond our control, however the basis of the claim in the aim to declare Null and Void and apply for the principal and double award on payments in three months are part of that doctrine already, so not subject to such changes as this new lead on maintenance fee claims. We did have many clients succesfully awarded maintenance fees by the courts in the earlier claims, so clearly was based on sound Spanish Legislation. When your hearing arrives, we always arrange for you to speak with the lawyer beforehand, to discuss the claim and go through the process with you. We also provide some possible questions to review beforehand. Our intention is to keep you informed and comfoprtable as possible over the experience. I hope this in some way alleviates your concerns, and we will be in contact in due course regarding arrangements for your Hearing. My colleague Tatiana that notified you of the date, will be making the arrangements, and she will be happy to answer any questions, liaising with the appropriate lawyer.”

    Kind regards,

    ( Emma  Belgum )

    If anyone else going through the claims process is at Anfi between 7th and 21st May we would be only too pleased to meet up with you and compare notes !!




    Good evening Brian,

    We bought 2 weeks floating at GA ” off plan” and coincidentally, also, were promised an extra pool, in fact an ” infinity” pool. Plus…from the public side, without public entrance to GA Owners’ areas, but available to GA Members, a casino and adult nightclub/ cabaret club. As we all know, these never materialised. If you can find the Reps’s notes and sketches I would be more than happy, grateful in fact, to have sight of them before we go to Court next month. As for re-sale, I was given a ball park figure by one of the few reputable re-sale Companies of less than £1000 for each of my weeks, but as we had a “points” and a “floating” contract they weren’t really interested. At the same time, Anfi were not buying back “floating” weeks either, unless I bought a further week or two there and then!


    As for sun beds, we had the same experience on P& O’s MV Britannia from Southampton to Caribbean and back, in November, across The North Atlantic !, Flooding toilets, broken a/c and a general sense of ” we’ve got your money” Ha Ha !! But that’s another story ! Back to Cunard Line !






    Hello Mark,

    I would be very interested to know on what grounds Anfi based their Appeal.. have JLCA told you and if so will you share it with us please? We are due in Court soon and fore- warned is fore- armed.

    Good luck



    Hello Brian,

    My argument and complaint is based upon the same lie(s) you also and many others were given in order to persuade us to purchase at GA…exclusivity at GA, a haven of calm and tranquility !! If it had not been sold in that way, we would have stayed at PA. I don’t like being lied to !!






    Hi Alec’,

    Try The Customer Services Manager, Maria HIDALGO ( and copy into any e-mail, Anfi’s Customer Services ( as Ms HIDALGO appears to have a “selective” e-mail/computer that doesn’t always receive ones e-mails!


    Regards and good luck !




    Good afternoon Alec,

    It’s good and informative to have comments such as yours….

    Just for everyone’s information, we, as “owners” of two “floating” weeks of a basic 1 bed apartment   at Gran Anfi are looking at being charged £232 per week for “enjoyment” when our case gets to Court. Not far off your demand !!

    ” Enjoyment” I learnt, in Spanish legal terms, means “used!”, whether you enjoyed your experience or not. I must say  tongue in cheek, we all have been “used” by Anfi !!

    Best wishes,


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