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  • #22450

    Hi Roger,

    I agree with Julie,

    In basic, layman’s, terms, you and others, may have changed The Constitutions of Anfi Resorts, but not The Law of the Land. I believe that any Contract between parties cannot be altered or varied without consent and agreement on both sides. Anfi “Owners”, whos’ Constitutions were changed surely have the right to accede ( in writing) to the latest change or remain bound by their original Contract?

    In brief, if you bring a case against Anfi at any time, if you haven’t agreed  in  writing with Anfi, to change, under the new constitution rules to a “new” contract and conditions, the original contract stands !!




    You are so correct, however, who says that the weeks Anfi sell are those deemed to be “unsold” or “unused” by owners?? Sell to RCI or others , then inform “owners” of floating weeks in particular, that they can’t have their preferred week(s) ??    Who’s to know ??? It’s all , I repeat ALL, in the hands of Anfi who gets what and where.

    I have the page from their ( RCI) latest brochure on which I based my comment about Monte Anfi Apartments being up for sale. I am sure that apartments on all the other developments are available to non members, should one contact Anfi and offer a cash payment!!



    Another snippet….   apart from ” owners” with “fixed” weeks this may be a topic of discussion with Anfi, when “owners” of “floating” and / or “points” weeks are concerned….

    A well placed source, employed at Anfi, has informed me that RCI have “bought” or block booked 50 -53 apartments at Gran Anfi. My source tells me that they have primacy on 36 out of a total of 95 one bed “floating” apartments and 9 two bed “floating” apartments out of 22 at Gran Anfi.

    Oh, by the way, take out the one bed apartments that are now “presidential suites” of 911 to 914. and that reduces  availability further.

    One wonders why we with “floating” weeks at Gran Anfi have difficulty booking in !!

    One for Monte “owners”…. the latest RCI magazine is advertising your apartments from £759 per week as “RCI Extra Holidays in addition to your exchange”

    How much else has RCI got a grab on Anfi accommodation ???







    My profound apologies for not replying to your most informative post, I can only defend myself by saying that I went “under the knife” soon after and was “off the planet” for a wee while. !! I am only now catching up with domestic and other life challenges !

    We had similar issues to yourself, but hopefully were in time and documents were presented and available for our initial hearing on 14th February. We are still awaiting a comprehensive summary of the

    hearing from JLCA, although we believe” it went well”.

    Information such as you have given is, I believe, very important to those of us who are behind you in the court system and I would encourage others to voice their experiences on this site so that others may learn.


    case from JLCA




    Thanks Darryl,

    I don’t think you are alone on this one, I have heard of a similar situation that has arisen for another claimant very recently, don’t know which Court it was, but I am informed they too are going ahead and challenging Anfi as far as they can. Yours and others’ claims are now, in monetary terms, appearing as a far cry from that that was predicted and indeed awarded 18 months ago . “Times they are a changing” as the song goes.

    Feed back from other claimants would be appreciated I’m sure !!


    Hi Darryl,

    Which court were you in?







    Good evening Tony,

    can’t  help with the Lawyers only to say be honest, be passionate and remember…’s Anfi ” In the dock” not you.

    Good luck and we as Claimants also, would like to hear of your experience of the Court after you have given your evidence.

    Jean & Angus






    Thanks Wolfgang,

    from what I have seen and heard  elsewhere, it appears that the longer this goes on, the more reluctant The Courts are to  stand by The Supreme High Court’s rulings and also maintain the initial compensation awards. Let’s hope that Lawyers are on top of this and are prepared to challenge these latest decisions , and again, hopefully without it costing us further expense???



    Hi Wolfgang,

    This is important…..

    please can you find out from the client why exactly they, the “Client” only got back their initial capital outlay ( purchase price) ? So far, I am aware that all the Courts have awarded twice the initial payment and any “deposit” within 3 months on contracts that are ruled as “null and void”. The maintainance fees compensation payments have in the past been awarded in accordance with a formula that seems to have been accepted by both sides, up until September 2017. Those payments now seem to have been stopped as a result of Spanish Court Rulings.

    I am interested , nay, concerned, as this on the face of it seems to be another “shift” by The Spanish Courts towards supporting the Anfi case by reducing or minimalizing outstanding claims without justification.

    Without identifying the client I would like to hear, in detail, what evidence they were able to present to The Court and more importantly where they were unable to present evidence ( of payments)? that led to the apparent reduction by the Court of compensation.





    Sounds good. We live in South Staffordshire, pretty central to most parts.

    let’s hear from others please ??

    Also, have you chased up JCLA since September ?? If not, contact Emma at JCLA, she appears to have the ear of the lawyers.



    Good evening Roger,

    Jean and myself are willing to attend an AGM depending on where it is going to be held. I see your point about Lawyers and also the apparent reduction in Members’ Claims, and also note the reduction in general questions of the Lawyers on our website. We have, as claimants, possibly reached the “tipping point” and the need for a whole weekend away to discuss matters is no longer essential, especially in light of the withdrawal of The lawyers from our AGM.

    I would however suggest a similar geographical location to last year’s AGM, perhaps not at an “exclusive” hotel complex, but maybe at a smaller, but accommodating venue, maybe a golf club with conference facilities ??





    So that we can all have clarity, who, or what organisation has accused you of calling Anfi “liars” ? We can then be better informed and cautious of that person or organisation. I too have looked hard and can find no reference to you calling Anfi “liars”.

    I think we all now know enough about Anfi and other similar timeshare company sales and after sales department’s techniques, without having to accuse them of being ” liars”.

    On advice from a UK based QC, I now always prefer to refer to alleged “liars” as ” Strangers to the actuality of events”

    Thanks for your informed contribution to this Club, I am sure many of us will miss your input.




    Good evening Becca,

    My wife and I, having had the experience of meeting Ms Hidalgo and her colleagues , I would suggest you make a comprehensive record of ANY conversation you have with them.   ‘nough said ??

    Likewise…..Good luck.




    Good afternoon Kevin,

    I am already putting together a list of the likely questions we may be asked by Anfi Lawyers as, fore warned is fore armed ( know your enemy !!)

    You are correct to steer away from giving personal advice, however, I would be interested to know what has been asked of you and others, by Anfi, not necessarily the replies that have been given in Court , as they will in the main all differ according to circumstances.

    If you don’t think it appropriate to divulge the questions you were asked, I will be happy to be contacted via e-mail on :






    Yes, I believe so, 20G1 & 3. ?

    Good to hear from you, contact me and we can discuss Anfi!!




    Does anyone know what the current situation is in Court 3 please? Has anyone had any form of result? Think we drew the short straw in getting this Court.






    Thanks Lisa,

    As discussed, when it’s in the bank, we’ll meet you for a Prosecco or two.

    Just heard from another couple who we know, that they also are on the winning end of things having used JLCA.





    We “own” 2 weeks in a one bed at Gran Anfi, the weeks are “floating” and were bought in 2002. The contract is not in “perpetuity” but for an imprecise period of 50 years. We too have wanted to sell our weeks.

    We were informed recently  by Anfi Sales, that one bed floating weeks  in Gran Anfi were not of interest to them and there are no current plans to buy back  such weeks. An independent  and reputable timeshare disposal company from The UK , off the record, stated our weeks are virtually worthless.

    As a consequence we have taken advice from Lawyers , recommended by Anfi UK and have decided to make a claim against Anfi for the mis selling of our weeks.

    I would suggest you do the same  and give them chapter and verse of your situation and if you read through the Claims area of Anfi UK’s  web site you will see which Lawyers you may wish to contact for free advice.

    We hope this helps.

    Good luck



    Oh, fantastic!! Well done all!!  🙂🙂 Matters seem to be moving at a better pace, hope we get as swift a result!!



    If Anfi are “innocent” in this and other adverts I would urge them to be proactive, trawl websites and get “spurious” Companies to remove Anfi from those web sites and adverts. Perhaps they could put in as much effort to this as they are to avoiding their responsibilities to Owners who have legitimate claims  against them  ( Anfi) that have been proved  and upheld in  Spanish Courts Courts?




    Thanks Wolfgang,

    Very  interesting !

    I stand by my assertion that Anfi have “blocked” out entire floors to RCI. And now we see at least one holiday company selling Anfi weeks on the open market.

    I have also been informed that “airb&b” are also offering weeks at Anfi?!  About £170 per night at ABC ?

    That makes two outsiders selling our “time”.

    Who else I wonder is “taking” Owners’ choice of holiday dates away from Owners? One thing for sure it must be with the  authority & knowledge of Anfi Management and to their financial advantage.



    David, until I see a written denial by Anfi of my assertions I will stick with what my informants tell me.

    I also note that are selling  holidays at Anfi Apartments at ABC and I was led to believe by Anfi that such sales were not and would not happen. So why should anyone believe Anfi on the RCI issue I raised?

    I might add, they , my informants, would not like to hear that they are being refered to  by an Anfi UK Member as ” lower orders” they are not, they are very capable , knowledgeable and professional in their particular areas, who I have known for some years and have not  an obvious axe to grind with either Anfi or Owners.




    I think Wolfgang has posted the following who are selling Anfi Apartments.Check out his recent post, 20/6/17.

    looks to me like Anfi are selling on the Open market, in this case ABC !!?





    I have just spent €200 to get two Membership Certificates which as we “bought” 2 weeks in 2002, would have reflected that transaction. We paid for the Certificates in October 2016 but, according to Ms Maria Hidalgo, Customer Services Manager, the Certificates couldn’t be produced due to IT problems!! Those “problems” continued until March 2017!,  The Certificates of 2002 and those up to 2014 that I had had sight of ( not mine) bore no resemblance to the Certificates I was sent in March 2017 !!! A complete re-write had been done. Now, the Certificate was a double sided document, detailing the “week” and apartment number allocated to our Contract, which would not have been detailed in 2002!. I suspect that the IT problem was another delaying tactic that Anfi are renowned for. A delay whilst Lawyers and others re- drafted the Certificate and eventually “signed” them off as being lawful.

    My advice is to e-mail Ms. Hidalgo directly and ask her to look on her computer and tell you what “week” and “apartment” number is shown on your certificate. You don’t need to fork out €100 per certificate! She can if she chooses, send you a PDF of your certificate, but don’t hold your breath!!!



    Good evening David,

    Whilst at Anfi in May 2017, following a direct question, I was informed by Staff Members actively engaged in making “bookings” for all Members, that RCI have 3 floors at their disposal at Gran Anfi ( Floors 1,2 & 3 ) . RCI have a similar arrangement at ABC, PA  & MA !  Which floors I know not.

    I cannot corroborate this information, however, would this arrangement cause commercial problems for Anfi, should they ever be in a position to allocate “fixed” weeks to those who at present have ” floating/ flexi weeks and may in future  want to swop to “fixed” weeks. By my calculations, some 22% of Gran Anfi is set aside for RCI at present. RCI , remember, “sell” Anfi apartments worldwide, perhaps that is why ” floating” Anfi Members are restricted in their choices of weeks and apartments.

    Would this bit of information be of use to you and others who are banging their heads against Anfi Officials in support of  Members, “happy” or “otherwise” ?

    Perhaps someone could ask the question of a Director or The Organ Grinder?

    Best wishes



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