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  • #12735

    Great news for you and all those tied into Court 3 !, Movement at last.

    Best wishes




    Maybe an e-mail to our Foreign & Commonwealth Office , spread the warning further? Just a thought, maybe also the Airlines and Package Holiday people, ABTA ?

    Best of luck.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Angus.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Angus.


    I admire your optimism and efforts on behalf of us. Having been told  to my face  last month by Maria Hidalgo that Anfi will never “settle out of Court” as that would be an admission of guilt and that Luis Martinez San Andres wouldn’t give me the courtesy of a reply when I asked him face to face to tell me what was Anfi doing about the claims and hurriedly making off, I have little faith in them. Their two page letter of 9th June is just a jumble of unsourced, unsubstantiated claims against un named Lawyers and similar, designed to put , if not fear, but trepidation in those who may be considering Court Action. There is nothing  positive or of promise for anyone.There’s nothing to say they are in negotiation with you and your colleagues that might resolve the issues before them and us. I might add also, that this is the first communication that I am aware of from Anfi since all this came to light.

    I wish you well when you meet Anfi Directors et al., ( wear your running shoes, they can’t half leg it ! )




    How to instill fear and worry …..Anfi Style….I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Bullet point No. 1…… Unbelievable !!!

    Must sit down and take in the rest of the rubbish.

    This must be the information I was told was forthcoming by Anfi Director, Luis Martinez San Andres just before he did “a runner” from me 3 weeks ago at Anfi when I simply asked him,” what was happening to Anfi and the claims being made by Owners”.

    By the way, Customer Services is run by Maria HIDALGO. If you speak with her, pick your words carefully and on her own admission has access to Member personal files which she consults before she deals with you,  and remember, we all have a recording facility on our mobile phones, so be careful!.



    We also are making a claim and like others would not begrudge other “owners” their right to “enjoy” what they bought. However, when I asked Maria Hidalgo, Anfi’s Customer Services Manager, directly, why Anfi hadn’t considered making an “offer” ( Out of court Settlement) to dis-affected members, her reply was , to the effect that, such an offer , allowed in Spanish law, would be deemed an admission by Anfi that they had contravened the law , and such an offer, by Anfi  would never happen, Anfi will continue to fight all claims in the belief they were then and  now are acting legally.


    I believe the Spanish Supreme Court, following Appeals by Anfi, have ruled against Anfi and other similar resort owners, in the claims that have been made.

    Question for Anfi Directors :  Why would you engage and brief  Lawyers in an already  lost cause ? Perhaps they are the same lawyers who failed to carry out due diligence  on behalf of Anfi ,when Anfi were “selling” in contravention of Spanish Law , post 1998 ??

    So, they had a window of opportunity to minimise their losses and satisfy their complainants but it was, it appears, dismissed or declined out of hand, therefore, we are fighting !!

    Please listen to the advice of reputable lawyers in this matter, so far we have found the advice sound.





    Try the “Lyn” red, about £5 a bottle.. very nice. About the only Anfi product that hit the spot for us at Anfi this year.



    Thanks Wolfgang,

    will take your advice. One point though, regarding the postal service from Gran Canaria, we were sent Our Membership Certificates by Customer Services in mid February 2017. By Correos and tracked….they arrived at our home on 12th May 2017. Not the quickest postal service in the world!! My enquiries revealed that the “choke point” was Madrid Airport by the way. The reverse route may also apply, be aware!



    Good evening Wolfgang,

    Your English is not that bad, in fact pretty good !!


    You say….

    “Gran is allready adapted from the beginning of the club to law 42/1998 with maximum term of 50 years.”

    Given that we bought ” ownership” in 2002, for  a substantial  cash payment and an on site deposit, for 2 weeks ” floating” at Gran Anfi for 9500 points per week  per anum . We had no start date to our contract nor any final date…. where is the legal precidence of this, in accordance with Spanish law 42/1998 ?? Or am I going to waste my money with Lawyers ??

    You seem to know a lot about Anfi and the current actions being taken against them and I would appreciate any advice you feel you could give to me.

    By the way, I am not in this for fun, as you say. I sincerely believe what I write and can only as an Englishman expound in English terms those beliefs I understand and believe in.



    Ah ! That’s Anfi and their supporters for you !! They are trying to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted and wash the muck off their hands ! I wonder who they are blaming for their unlawful activities ? Shame they didn’t act in a legal and decent manner many years ago. However, greed seems to have clouded their judgment and those who  advised them of the law, as far back as the late 1990’s !!

    In very English parlance, ” Their chickens are coming home to roost”  …and they don’t like it.

    If you like Anfi as it is today, good luck and we wish you well. Remember though, the Anfi leopard probably won’t change its spots and still needs feeding! Ask any of their Reps’ dragging around potential customers on what they call ” The Mule train” ( Donkeys to the slaughter )





    I see that Gran Anfi is not included. Do Anfi and their investors have a different agenda for Gran Anfi owners?. Roger ( Byatt) have you an opinion or knowledge you can share with us please?




    Good evening Lisa,

    I’m pleased to have been of help to you. We could sense your frustration!!

    We are leaving Anfi tomorrow, back home late into Birmingham.

    If Jean and I could contact you outside of this Forum, via E-mail we might have some useful info for you, before you go to Court, which at this stage is not suitable for open discussion.

    I can be contacted on




    Hello all,

    Below is an extract from Emma at JLCA sent to a contact of mine today to explain in short, why delays are being experienced.

    “Hi Angus,
    Just received email from Emma.”

    “We do not have the decision yet. The are large delays in decisions coming from Court Nº3, due to their administration and workload. We have many cleinets in the same situation at the moment. As soon as there is news, we will let you know.”

    Not a lot, but better than nothing.  Stay positive….The fight goes on !!


    Great idea Karen,

    Initially, to keep Emma on our side I will e-mail her, so as not to put her nose out as it were. The next one, if I don’t get a reply pretty quickly WILL be to Jose and in different terms!!

    suggest we keep in touch. should do.

    Off now to have the only edible food on site…….ice cream. And hopefully the entertainment will be Pepper Pig or The Night Garden….. a step up in adult terms to what is constantly on display!!!😜😜😜




    We also have e -mailed Emma a few, several days ago and had no reply which is unusual.

    May I suggest if any of us have a genuine concern about lack of up dates that we all as individuals contact JCLA and not assume one or two comments will get us an answer. Each of us are individual clients and properly, should have individual answers to our questions.

    If however as we suspect, Anfi are up to something, and it affects all of us, I would encourage JCLA to give us what they know and within the Law, tell us.

    I will again contact Emma Belgum and politely ask for an up date on the overall Courts situation, my concerns over reported delays in Court decisions and the negative and worrying impact they have on claimants and potential claimants. Pointing out that such negativity may affect their standing!

    I am open to suggestions and comment. My e-mail will go at midday 26.5.2017🕵️


    Sean, everyone,

    Jean and myself had a pre arranged meeting  last week which lasted 90 minutes,with Ms Maria Hidalgo Anfi’s Customer Service Manager, regarding our overall complaints and in particular Anfi’s failure / refusal to provide :

    1. copies of our 2002 Contract and associated documents. Said they don’t have copies and it wasn’t policy or a legal requirement to give them in any case to Clients.

    2. The request we made for  copies of our  original Membership Certificates in October 2016 was not fulfilled until  February 2017 due to IT problems !! We will leave you to debate that one!! When those Certificates were made available it was only by a fluke that we had CC’d a firm of Lawyers into our previous demand! Those certificates were supposed to have been sent by registered post to us in the Uk. They went missing. ( as did those allegedly sent to us twice in 2003) Guess what, they were pushed through our home address letter box 4 days after our arrival in Anfi this May. Sorry to bore you, but don’t lose sight of the alleged deviousness of Anfi Management at this time or ever.

    The Certificates bear no relationship to those that should have been received by us in 2003. They contain a stated week of occupation or weeks along with an apartment number, this now seems to satisfy the needs of the Law. We suspect that the 4 month IT problem was them sorting out a new legal interpretation of “Floating, points and getting around not previously stating weeks owned or apartments designated.

    something is going on and I would advise all who are making or considering a claim to keep an eye on Anfi’s Web site in the next month as I suspect they have something to tell Clients, as per my brief Forum Post and conversation with one of their Directors yesterday.

    In the meantime I also suggest that JLCA are the best people to contact for up to date opinion and answers.

    Best wishes to all






    Hi , Brian & Pam,

    you think Tapas is bad, we had to wait just under an hour at the “New” Gran Bahia for a , what I judged as a micro waved / warmed up lasagne and a burger and chips at lunchtime!  Just about to walk out when it arrived and plonked down, The Williams ( tennis sisters) have a more subtle means of service!!  Result was not a very tasty meal. Waiter tried to compensate by offering us a bottle of wine if came for food in the evening  ” even if you only have a plate of chips”  Will never eat there again, even when and if the posh Asian / Fusian restaurant inside opens. My omelettes are now a staple diet for Jean !

    will be trying Tapas following a previous disastrous meal last year in the hope it has improved.

    Most used place by us is the ice cream outlet….. great products and great staff and service.

    we are here til Monday next in 309 at Gran Anfi if you want to meet up for a chat, beer or omelette ?

    Angus and Jean



    Thanks Karen,

    Keep us informed please , we are in the pipeline and at the start of our claim.

    At Anfi at present, had a Director do a runner from me today when I asked what was happening to Anfi in the future….!! Nothing more searching than that! Before he escaped he did suggest we look at their web site in ” about 15 days”.

    Don’t hold your breath!!




    Hello Karen,

    May I suggest you e-mail Emma Belgum at JLCA, she is probably the best and quickest for you to get an accurate answer from.

    which Court No. did you have to appear in, it appears they are all different in their schedules AND decisions!!

    Best wishes



    Hi,  can we meet and give you the benefit of our 90 minute meeting with Anfi’s Customer Service Manager’s explanation of allocation of apartments? It is very vague and interesting!!

    We are in GA 309 til 29th May.

    Angus and Jean


    Hi, we are here at GA till 29th. Apt 309 ( 3rd class and a floating member).

    we also noted the state of the pool and like you concerned about injuries caused by fragments of tile falling off the pool sides. Have you spoken to Anfi Management about this yet? If not, I Will start it off as they already hate us for such complaints. By the way, any complaints are usually logged on your personal file held by Anfi, including much of what you disclose to Reps , or any one at Anfi. Be warned!!

    would be open to a meet in the bar at Gran Bahia anytime.

    Angus and Jean


    Hi, Rob’

    oh yes! Trying to put together an informed précis to show where Anfi are going! Not easy as what was NOT said or answered is open to interpretation. I will try to be balanced in my observations.



    Good luck! Not much going on. Still no buffet breakfast. Not as busy as we remember it from last September. Evenings very quiet, as indoor section still unfinished. All the resort is now missing are KFC and The rest of the fast food industry to move in!



    Just landed at Gran Anfi. Gran Bahia restaurant is not finished, still being “worked” on. In fact I can see no difference other than all the interior restaurant furnishings have been removed. Same bar, but no bar staff to be seen. Same tables and chairs outside. Same parasols.We have seen non of the usual activity or staff. No sign of the buffet breakfast as we walked through at 1000, and last night on arrival at 2030, complete silence and no one about. It’s now 1245 and there are 15 people sitting at outside tables eating burgers, no welcome from the 3 male waiters, no offer of a menu, not even a smile! By the way, weather is good and the pool area is quite busy.So much for a re-decorated restaurant by the end of March 2017.

    I hope I have caught them on a bad day!!

    Angus & Jean



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Brian Taylor. Reason: moved to Anfi Del Mar restaurant Forum
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Brian Taylor.

    Stay in touch, we are at Gran Anfi for most of May and will be posting what we find ( or don’t ! )




    Good evening William,

    we wish you and especially your wife well and a speedy recovery.

    Regarding your Insurance…if you don’t ask, you won’t get ! I would say that you’ve paid for your accommodation, as your flight, one without the other is a holiday failure and on this occasion, not of your deliberate doing !!

    If they won’t pay out or even come to an arrangement with you, tell them you will go to another insurer ( and any family or friends who are with them )

    If you have the time, or someone in the family or a friend does, research similar claims that have been successfully made and reported upon on in Google.

    Good luck

    Angus & Jean Seath

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