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  • #10285

    Thanks Carolyn,

    Much appreciate your information, I hope the regular staff have been retained, they deserve to be, for their friendliness and the service they give.

    All the best



    Thanks Carolyn,

    As we’ll arrive mid evening, we find it’s handy for a quick meal without the need to go too far.






    Good evening Richard,

    is the Gran Bahir restaurant and bar and area completely refurbished,? We are due out there on 8th May and short of having a real swim to, pool bar, this has to do !!








    Good evening William,

    Please let us know where they allocate you on your arrival. And, if you complain, what was the outcome?

    I agree, they must know where you are going to be put, well in advance. I suspect, that if you are like us, “floating” clients, you are not uppermost in their considerations and the best situated apartments go to RCI clients and the like.! ? We seem to get what is left on the day of our arrival, after everyone else has been looked after.








    Thanks Brian,

    Amongst all the other posts I missed that very important one !! Julie’s post answers the questions for me and hopefully all others. We have today instructed JLCA to go ahead with our claim, should be an interesting few months ahead !!

    Thanks again.





    Hi Sean,

    I got your message and mobile number and will call you tomorrow ( 31st). What time is preferable to you ?

    Bit busy with lawyer stuff at present, working out what it will cost etc.,





    Hello Lisa,

    Followed most of your posts and you seem to be like me a questioning sort of person. We wish you well.

    We would dearly like to learn from others’ experiences and your last question is very pertinent. So far down the line since 2015 , has anyone had monies deposited in their bank accounts or had official notification from The Courts, via Lawyers, that they ( The Courts) do indeed hold funds, sequestrated from Anfi’s Assets, held in Claimants’ names? I hate to sound cynical, but, threats or promises to the future always worry me!! 32 years engagement with the UK Legal System ( on the lawful side !) has taught me certain lessons, I’m gradually learning about others !

    Discuss ???






    Good evening Sean,

    Being new to this forum and about to commence a claim against Anfi, I am wondering at what stage you are at in the legal process ? Have you had your Pre Trial Hearing & had to appear for your First Instance Hearing and now Anfi are Appealing The Court’s decision?

    I’m a bit confused, however I do see your point in that the weight of claim needs to be closely balanced against the Court and Lawyers fees.

    Best of luck anyway and hope we meet up at sometime during our “journey” against Anfi !!


    Ps. We, my wife, Jean and I are at Gran Anfi from 8th  to 29th May 2017, so if anyone from Anfi UK wants to meet up for natter and drink, please let me know.



    Good evening Malcolm,

    We are going ahead with our claim against Anfi and appreciate your advice as regards costs.

    One important thing for me is: what questions were you asked by defending lawyers or judge?

    Fore armed is  fore warned as they say !!

    If anyone can add to this , I think it would be helpful and assuage fears of going into Court to give evidence.



    Angus Seath




    Thanks Julie,

    I have e-mailed you with further thoughts.




    Thank you Emrys,

    I will take yours & Malcolm’s advice and commence proceedings.





    Thanks Malcolm,

    Sounds good advice to me and will follow it all up with The Club legal Team.

    Good luck in the future.



    Good evening,

    I was contacted, “cold called” before Christmas 2016 by a very polite and overly convincing employee of CLA ( Mr David HILL ). I had just heard about the claims against Anfi and was warned off CLA by an Anfi Claimant who suggested I go with JCLA. And that is what I am in the process of doing and attending the Anfi UK AGM !


    Angus Seath.



    Good evening Malcolm,

    I am new to Anfi UK, but have been a “points” & “floating” owner of 2 weeks in a single apt., at Gran Anfi for some 15 years.  Gran Anfi has in my opinion  gone from the promised ( but never delivered) “Exclusive resort” to nothing very special , especially over the last 2/3 years. I have recently been informed of Court Actions being taken against Anfi and  considering this course of action myself.

    May I ask, who were the lawyers who acted and won for you and the £6000 estimate you refer to, does that include their initial fees or as I suspect only the ongoing costs to fight Anfi’s Appeal?

    I am a UK pensioner and surprise , surprise, rely solely on my pension, cost is important.

    I would be very grateful for some feedback on the matter, before I throw good money after bad.


    Angus Seath

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