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  • #69682

    Hi David and Brian

    I am pleased to hear someone else is in the same situation as me! I have been a member at Anfi since 2003 and also have 2 floating weeks in Monte.

    I am absolutely furious with Anfi today over the way they have dealt with me trying to book accomodation for 2022. I have vouchers for 3 apartments that I had booked originally for June 2020 when they were closed for Covid. Today I phoned and spoke to a man in AVC to get 3 apartments booked for August 2022 – eventually he managed to come up with 3 that were acceptable for me and my family to use and because it was not my first choice for sleeping arrangements I said I would need to confirm with my sons this afternoon – but could he reserve them for me as I would have 14 days to cancel if not appropriate. He said he would do that and could I phone back before 5pm to definitely confirm. I spoke to family and we agreed it was workable and so holiday dates were put in at work etc. Keeping to my word I phoned back at 4.30pm to AVC – but could not speak to the man (Robert I think) and I spoke to a lady instead and she said nothing was recorded on their system. I registered my disgust at this and she said she would see what she could do. Then I was put through to customer services and had to speak to Ryan who then informed me that my name was highlighted on their system as not being able to process any bookings as I had not signed any new contract. I explained to him that I had email communication with Fatima Camejo last year on 17th November about contracts and that my decision was not to sign. I have an email from her to say they had accepted that decision and everything would continue as normal. Ryan then explained that the situation had now changed and his Managers had explained to him that anyone who would not sign a new contract would not be allowed to book any holidays at Anfi and that I had the option to just walk away from my agreement. I explained I had received emails on 4th October from the General Manager at Anfi about the current situation and that everything was continuing as normal and people should continue to book and that our affiliation rights would not be affected. Then a further email on 14th October from the Administrator stating our rights remained unchanged and it was important that people continue to pay their fees. Despite all of these reassurances they are still using blackmail to get people to change their contracts and preventing us from booking our apartments.
    I further explained to Ryan that I have paid my maintenance fees every year, including 2020 and 2021 and I have a guarantee of vouchers for booking 3 apartments (all listed on my members site at but they are still not allowing me to make any bookings for 2022. So are they going to refund me the maintenance fees back that I have got nothing for?? He sympathised totally with my position and explained he was speaking to people everyday in the same situation as myself, but he was just following orders from above!!
    He suggested I emailed Anfi tonight and he has given me his email address to copy him in, stating I am willing to re consider signing the new contracts and he would try his best to get me the 3 apartments for August 2022 that I had booked at 1.15pm today – in the hope that they are all still available!!
    I feel really upset and aggrieved by what has happened today and that they have probably ruined my family (10 members) holiday booking for August 2022.
    I would appreciate any advice from anyone tonight as to how to proceed. I did inform Ryan that I was taking it up with Anfi UK committee members.

    I feel that I am in a position now of having to consider sending the email to Anfi this evening to try and re-secure the booking of 3 apartments for next year and telling them I will sign their new contract, even though in principle I am disgusted with their blackmailing tactics and the effects it is having on their clients.

    Many thanks


    I have blocked the number from calling me – as I picked up on a call and realised it was a timeshare call so immediately hung up and blocked them.


    That’s useful to know thank you.

    So my points will not show until I either decline the new contract or sign it. At least I know now!!


    I’ve been on the site today and it’s all working. However points balance and contracts is still registering as 0 on my area. So I am assuming this will be the case on my points until all Anfi staff are back to work and update their systems??


    Thank you for your responses to my query, they are very much appreciated.

    I have checked back on my points balance on the website and it still registers 0.

    I have also gone on via the phone app and that also registers as 0.

    Which is completely wrong so I will let Anfi know about that. However as David has stated maybe that is the same for everyone if they have not been updating it on line due to their changes in working over recent months.

    I am going to go through the new documents again David – but I do understand what you are saying.

    Has anyone got any statistics on how many UK people have not signed their new contracts compared to those signing – that would be interesting to know? Thanks



    I have just gone on the Anfi members site to check my points balance – and I really do not know what is going on there as it states points balance for 2020 is 0 and contract is 0!

    This is completely wrong as I know what my points balance is as I checked it earlier in the year before the lockdown situation. So is this Anfi shutting my booking off until they receive the new signed contracts ???? I certainly hope not!!

    Has this happened to anyone else?


    Anfi have sent me out new contracts to sign and I have had these documents for weeks now as it takes a lot of reading through the fine print and I am still not sure I want to sign them.

    On my original contract for 2 floating weeks on the points system for Monte it obviously does not mention a specific apartment or a specific week and I have always had the freedom of arriving on whichever day I wish, allowing me to travel from various airports. The new contract specifies a set apartment number and a specific week (and I would not choose to book that apartment or at the time of year they are suggesting – one in April and one in October) and to arrive/depart on only one day. I know they say things will continue as normal and I can phone up AVC and book in any club at any time and just take into account the points. However, it does not say that anywhere in the new contract, so I am thinking I am reluctant to sign it in case they hold you to that set apartment at the set date or if in the future the Anfi business changes hands and they go literally with what is written on the contract. I think it should be written into our new contracts that being able to book apartments by floating weeks / and on their points system, should continue to be the same as it is in our original contracts.

    It does mention something about the Anfi Flex Internal Exchange Programme – but that sounds more complicated, as they have stated you have to re-sign it every 5 years or unsubscribe to it?? Not sure why this has been added??

    I am happy with the wording of changing of the duration of the contract lasting 50 years. I can understand why they have put in the section about not taking Anfi to court and it’s not my intention to do so.

    They have added lots of additional information on transfer or assignment of rights which I think are ok. If my children decide not to take on the contract when I am unable to travel in the future, I am hoping that Anfi will just take the contract back.

    Having read the previous comments on this forum it sounds as if some people are having difficulty trying to book some apartments until they return their new contracts signed. I agree that this sounds as if Anfi are using it like blackmail or coercion, and I certainly hope this will not be the case when I try to book mine. Is this something Anfi UK are still in talks with Anfi about, as it certainly is not fair on members.
    I do not think I will be travelling at all this year but I will be wanting to book some apartments in 2021 and I hope people like me are not going to be penalised in the system if we choose not to sign the new contracts.


    I would like to thank Brian, David and Richard for giving their replies and opinions on my original post on the change of contract request.

    It has certainly put my mind at rest after reading your responses, and so I will agree to Anfi sending my new contract out for me to study and read over and if there are any queries I will get back to you – but fingers crossed all will be ok.

    I will have to do that on Monday as they linked the change of contract request to my email cancelling my bookings from 8th June this year – so I need to follow this up as they still haven’t clarified that my apartments are cancelled yet, and certainly haven’t charged me and I have to have this sorted before the the deadline in order for my points to be carried over to 2021 and not be penalised.

    Brian I note that you mentioned contacting me about some pros and cons about adding my kid’s names onto the new contract – if you get chance can you please email me before Monday?

    My email address is

    From what you mentioned Richard about vouchers and possible maintenance refund – I do not think it applies to me as my points can roll over to 2021. That being said though if holidays are all established again next year and we can holiday at Anfi – then I can see a real problem over bookings. As you will have all the customers with points contracts with their points rolled over trying to book next year before the points run out in December 2021, together with fixed week customers if they are allocated vouchers to use next year (unless it is all extended into 2022 and 2023?). Together with the implications about what you have discussed about Anfi Sales it may be a safer option for people to consider a reduction in maintenance fees.

    Thank you once again, it is so good to have the facility of this forum where questions can be asked.

    Kind regards

    Bev Ware



    Actually that’s true David thanks – as I had to get two guest certificates for our bookings this year but with them being my children I did not have to pay – sorry I remember that now!!

    But if I add them to my contract should I choose to renew it – I assume they would no longer need guest certificates.

    No – one has answered my question yet on whether Anfi can make me change my existing contract?          If I am happy with it the way it is – can I not just leave it and not update it?



    Hi Helen

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am assuming from what you have said and reading other replies that they just hopefully allocate an apartment number to my contract to make it legal, but in theory it will not make any difference to my floating week and I can continue to book in my normal way (if we ever get back to anything normal in the future!?) I just do not like the thought of changing anything legal as I am very wary about it like you and would feel more assured if other people have done it without any complications etc.

    I remember them discussing and then changing it to a 50 year system, which makes sense as opposed to an infinity one.

    As for putting the kid’s names on, I can see the advantage of doing it whilst it is free, as it will become theirs eventually if anything happens to me in the future and I suppose it also means that I will not have to pay for a guest certificate every time they use a booking, which is what I am doing at present. I hope I am assuming right here?




    Hi Brian

    I would have to go and check out my paperwork in the loft but as far as I am aware I have two floating weeks in Monte as I never wanted any fixed week and they are on the points system.

    So for Monte two floating weeks I get 14000 points every year that I can spend in any of their resorts according to availability and points unspent can carry over for another year.

    I have only ever bought and dealt with Anfi directly so I have never bought from a resale.

    I initially had one week floating, then I changed that to two weeks floating and they suggested I moved onto the points system as it would be in my favour; which I must admit has suited me with all the flexibility it entails.

    Any advice would be greatly received.




    I have received an email from Anfi today – replying to my email cancelling the 3 apartments I had booked from 8th-15th June 2020.

    They state that I can cancel my apartments and pay 40 euros for each booking as a cancellation fee and then carry my points over till the end of next year, which is fine. I will then try and claim the 3 x 40 euros back through my insurance company.

    However they then went on to ask me about changing my contract – see below:

    We inform you that at the moment we are updating our database and updating the memberships as per the changes in the Vacation membership Act, as well as the Data Protection Scheme (GDPR). The update simply shows the scheme of fifty renewable years, extendable at no cost (according to the Extraordinary General Assembly of the year 2017) as well as the physical apartment and week behind every floating week which will appear on the updated contracts, which means that you will see which apartment/week was provided to the Trustee on the day you signed. Your floating reservations system and AVC week membership continues exactly the same.

    We would be sending an updated agreement, for your approval and signature to your home address. It will include a prepaid postage envelope to easy the return of the signed documents back to us. You can take this opportunity to add any family member into your Anfi membership at no cost, so they become joint members with you. If you wish to, please let us know by providing their full names as they appear in the passports and dates of birth.

    We recommend our Members to have their memberships updated, so please let me know if you wish me to proceed with the paperwork. I simply need a copy of your passports as registered owners to start the process, or if easier for you, full names as appearing in your passports as photocopies can be sent later when returning the paperwork.

    In case there are some points expiring and you are unable to use them this year, we will also send you a voucher to extend their validity until also next year.

    I get that they are asking people to update their contracts, as when I was there in September 2019 they tried to get me to agree to it then, but I declined. I am happy with my current system of having 2 floating weeks at Monte and being able to book when I want and when there is availability, or advertising my weeks for someone to rent off me or being able to exchange my weeks when I want via RCI.

    However should I be updating it like other people? I would just like to continue booking my holidays at Anfi like I have done for years without anything changing – it seems to indicate this would be the case in this email.  However, I am still very unsure about this and ultimately can they make me change it?

    Also is there an advantage of putting my children’s names on this document now ( 3 sons, ages between 26 – 37yrs old) as joint owners rather than waiting till I am older and maybe unable to travel?

    I have been an owner since 2003 and would appreciate any advice on this matter.

    Kind regards
