Brian Taylor

Forum Replies Created

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  • #100611

    Hi Pragnya

    Most members have signed new contracts  –  what you describe about your contract sounds most unusual – the contracts are normally sent out in the language of the member –  after you sign them (which is many signatures as quite  a chunk of paperwork)  then Anfi sign their part and send back to you so you have a copy (or that is what is meant to happen)
    Much has been written about the legality of contracts in this forum and elsewhere over a few years now so please look back if you wish to see more on this

    In terms of court claims – Anfi Resorts and Sales have been in  administration for some while and this has halted the legal process and some form of settlement is said to be likely over the next year for current claimants
    The position of new claims has been discussed in previous posts

    Lastly on your concern on the dates of contracts – the 50 year maximum period is to comply with timeshare law & replaces in perpetuity  –  the new contracts include specific provision for members to extend the period if they wish –  also the new contracts allow you to hand back at any point provided maintenance fees are up to date & without further commitment or cost

    Anfi Customer Services ought to be able to help if you have not got a copy of your signed contract

    Hope that helps

    Regards Brian


    update on phone SIM deals  & save money on usage at Anfi & in EU and further afield

    –  Lebara have extended the countries they cover  – and now in addition to EU & India have USA Canada Australia and NZ which are normally quite expensive    – some good deals on their website or save a bit via Uswitch  or via MSE
    (do check the country list on the Lebara option you go for)

    –  EE  –  EE have now put up the roaming cost to £25 a month which is huge increase – about a year ago was £5  then went to £10 then £15 and more recently £25
    Lebara and Smarty are good alternatives  – though if you want to use the EE network there are one or two companies who piggy back onto EE (see MSE or Uswitch)

    But if you have EE you can get a better deal to cover your travel to Anfi and EU countries
    – firstly message EE to get a PAC code  (text PAC to 65075)
    – they will ring you back within a few minutes to talk about how that works and offer you better deal – tell them you are looking at Smarty & Lebara for under £7 a month including roaming
    – current deal is £6 a month for 12gb incl EU roaming
    (if you go outside EU you normally pay £25 a month for roaming pass or £5 a day  –  or if you go outside EU regularly they have a £20 contract to cover more countries but Lebara is a much better bet)


    Nice place to to stop for a coffee – they seemed busy over lunch times too

    I think the best coffee is from the new-ish coffee bar outside Monte reception  though Chapter 1 is  a nicer location

    Chapter 1 also do Kit Kat ice cream and I didn’t see that elsewhere


    The cocktail bar is open a couple of evenings a week though not as many as the sign outside of it says! – we tried twice and it was closed

    There is music on at Havana most evenings and the Ice Cream bar has a DJ some evenings and a guitarist 2 nights a week when we were there Oct & Nov


    as of Friday 10th Nov (3 weeks in from starting) the pool has been stripped out and resurfaced and it looks as though the next step will be putting in new tiles

    2 to 3 weeks was clearly a bit optimistic

    Monte childrens pool repairs

    Monte childrens pool flumes


    Hi Simon

    I’ve passed on details & Anfi have acknowledged and say they will get in touch with you.   Do let us know if they handle your booking request.

    Unless you are considering taking legal action, there are some benefits to the new contract as you get your underlying week confirmed and option to reclaim that every 5 years.  Also the right to handback with no penalty is confirmed.

    Anfi do get a right of first refusal if you decide to sell your week.

    Regards Brian


    Hi Simon

    I asked Anfi management if their policy had changed and they are refusing to book weeks

    They say the points account is frozen for unsigned contracts but that weeks are bookable.  I was asked if I could pass on your details so they can look into this.   Is that ok?

    I’m on the Monte committee but raised this as a general policy issue, as we were told in June members who’d not signed could still book weeks

    Graham has set out the options regarding signing and we’d encourage members to consider signing unless they have really strong reasons not too.     I’m actually meeting a member next week who is considering whether to sign or not.

    Kind regards,



    The Monte children’s pool with has been having issues with tiles coming loose underneath the children’s slide – Anfi will be closing the pool from week commencing Monday 23rd October for 2 to 3 weeks to re-fix all the loose tiles

    And then sometime next year Anfi are looking to redesign the bottom of the flume to lessen the impact on the tiles, by lengthening and lowering the exit point.

    The timing coincides with some UK half term dates.  Anfi say the timing is partly driven by doing asap for safety with the loose tiles – partly that half term holidays are by no means aligned across Europe (even in UK the Scottish ones were mainly last week) – and September and early October were very busy with families with younger children not tied to school holidays, as will be November and Jan-Feb.


    Some notes on the key points from the OGM pending the full minutes:-

    1. Previous minutes –  2nd October 2021 – approved
    2. The reports from the Treasurer and the Club Committee and the Club accounts were all approved
    3. The reports on the resort committees resulted in some discussion
    4. Resolutions and constitution – the member resolution to reduce rental fees was covered by the committee resolutions and  the committee resolutions were approved
      – membership fees stay as they are and rentals adverts are reduced to £2.50
    5. Election and re-election of committee –  the existing committee members due or standing for re-election were re-elected
      We also welcome Bill Taylor as a new committee member and look forward to meeting with him
    6. Members questions  – 7 members questions were discussed from the original OGM reply slips and further questions were raised on the later replies and during the meeting  – notes on these will be published with the Minutes

    The turnout was lower than expected, and less than previous OGM’s, and we will consult with members about future regional meetings, Zoom meetings and also the next OGM due by September 2025


    We issued the Zoom meeting details by email yesterday to all those members who said they would or may join us  – if you haven’t received your meeting invitation please email me and I’ll try to help
    We will let members join from 6.50 this evening and start at 7.00 prompt

    Brian Taylor


    Roger has just emailed the OGM reply slip and voting form to all members – please see this News post for a copy of email.

    Please take a few minutes to complete the reply form and vote on the resolutions and committee elections – by completing the OGM Reply Slip and Voting Paper. Even if you cannot attend in person, please register your vote by clicking this link.

    If you are attending we will send Zoom details out the day before the meeting, to those who have confirmed registration for the meeting, and will let members into the meeting from 6.50 p.m. for a prompt start at 7.00 p.m.


    The papers for Beach are out now and members will see that, as with Gran, Anfi are nominating themselves via AVC as a candidate
    David’s guidance for our recommendations for supporting the existing candidates remains unchanged and it is even more important that all members who own at Beach vote  –

    “We recommend you vote for the existing committee candidates who have worked hard to represent you.  Richard Weston (UK) is standing for re-election to the Anfi Beach Liaison Committee, along with Dag Fin Erlandsen (Norway) and Maudy Vaessen (Germany).”


    Hi Peter
    You definitely still need an ownership certificate – and this has the transfer form on the back that you fill in if you ever sell
    Pam & I have signed new contracts but did not get a new certificate

    I’ll try to look it out and scan it though another member may beat me to it

    Kind regards
    NB Members with biennial weeks do not as far as I now have a certificate – at least we didn’t get one with our resale biennial


    Thank you to the members who have replied about whether or not they can join us for the OGM  –  there is still time to let us know and ask any questions upfront you wish to raise  –  just use this link  complete the short form.

    We’ve had a few question so far which I have copied below

    During a recent visit, it was confirmed by a rep, that it was known by Anfi, that Spanish families or groups are booking apartments for one week, staying for extended weekends, partying, using full facilities and access and departing earlier than the full week booked…Because they can!!!!

    This could become the norm for any groups wishing to take advantage of the weak control over use. I believe this type of activity is a direct result of the policy of renting on the open market, be that by owners or Anfi because the opportunity to make bookings has become completely unexclusive, again provided by Anfi and owners.

    Much has been commented on this subject on various forums but, have concerns regarding rental to non members been officially expressed by our group, or any other national owners groups?

    2  Is there any progress regarding the crazy golf course?

    3 How much has it cost to write and update the code for the Rentals & Resales platform including the last and current update?
    How much would this equate to per advert placed if the Club were to recoup the costs, based on the statement that “this should be self financing as it is not used by all members”?

    4  If not previously covered then an update on the current administrative status of Anfi and what it might mean to the future security and value of our holidays


    6  Does ANFI have any control over the performance of the onsite restaurants. I think the general consensus is that at best they are only average, and are expensive?


    Further to our message and Roger Byatt’s email about our OGM by Zoom on 28th September at 7pm – 9pm (there are copies of the email on our website News section)

    There are 3 things we’d ask for please:-

    1 Please let us know whether or not you can (or may) attend by clicking this link and completing the short form.

    2 If you have any questions you would like to ask any of your committee members, you can submit them in advance as well using the same form you used to register your intention to attend, or at any time before the meeting by sending an email or letter to the Chair.

    3 Your committee is voluntary and is depleted following retirements with some members covering multiple roles – there is a section on the form where you can raise an interest in helping in the running of the club.  Please consider if you can help.

    The formal part of the OGM covering reports and voting for your committee and the Club’s accounts will be under an hour – reports will have been issued upfront so we can focus on any questions  and the rest of the meeting will cover topics members wish to discuss


    The new Spar opened 31st August 2023

    New Spar front


    new Spar - the team




    The next Monte committee meetings will the held on the 19th October – please let me know if you have any questions or queries – you can use this section of the Forum to raise queries or email me –
    Couple of points

    1 Members may be aware the replacement fund is under strain this year due to the extra costs of electricity last year running well over budget and under the accounting rules that overspend has to come out of the fund and halved the amount carried over into 2023

    2 The new children’s pool slides get good feedback though there is an issue with the small tiles lifting near where the slides reach the water – mats have been fitted as a temporary measure while a solution is sought

    3 Members who have seen the Gran Anfi OGM election letter will be aware that Anfi have nominated themselves (via AVC) to stand for one of the 3 elected committee – this is of great concern to all elected committee members and not just at Gran Anfi

    Regards Brian


    and the “fix” for the missing menu has now been applied so all members should be able to see the full menu across the top of the webpage


    Our website developer has after much work found what we believe caused the problem and has applied a fix
    Both you and all other members should now see the full menu on the website


    We’ve been working for a while on improvements to the advert section and these are now live on the website  –

    What’s changing

    ·       We are splitting the editing into sections to make it easier and to show your updated advert after each change

    ·       There is a unique link for each advert so that you can copy and send to anyone interested eg on social media

    ·       All enquiries are shown underneath the advert so you can see what has some in

    1 You still create your adverts quickly by clicking on the “create” button in My Timeshare    – Refer to page on creating adverts

    2 For editing we have a new screen which lets you edit section by section & see result (see example below – the detail shown for your advert will change for fixed weeks, floating, or points)

    3 Each advert has it’s own unique reference which you can use if you are contacting anyone interested – when they click on the link  it takes them to a page with just your advert (you can see and copy the link on the edit page for your advert)

    4 On your advert page only you can see any enquiries listed underneath your advert

    Lastly a quick reminder to check your timeshares page My Timeshares and take a few minutes to make sure it is up to date  –  that helps us know who owns at each resort and to send you relevant information

    Advert edit guide

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Brian Taylor.

    By way of update

    1. Rental adverts
      We will go live with new rental advert editing screen next week and send an email with details of the changes –  and also update the text on relevant webpages & will do a new video to replace the old one in the Help pages 
      The changes will give each advert a unique web address so you can share your advert on social media or to contacts who may be interested
      A number of members ask about how to advertise so we have started a new webpage to help with the whole process including pricing and guest certificates and this will be updated as members contribute  – setting up an advert is actually very quick to do!
    2. Menu on website
      We will then work on the fixing the missing menu problems that affects some members & we expect that “fix” to be rolled out after testing before the end of the month
    3. Website pages
      Then work will commence on the conversion of our webpages to the new software for displaying webpages and we expect this to go live by mid-September with further changes to show members at the OGM on 28th September –  if we hit any problems there might be a delay to the roll out
      You will see some changes to the appearance of webpages as the conversion work takes place

    Regards  Brian


    The “snags” we hit last year turned out to be significant ones linked to  a growing mismatch between two bits of software we use to manage the website and display adverts.

    After much investigation a way forward was found a few months ago and our website developer has now nearly completed the work to completely revise how we create and edit adverts – this will give members a single page for each advert that brings together  the main advert panel and the extra information with edit sections for each area of the advert
    In addition the page will show details for any enquiries received   and each advert will have its own “url” (the address link used in your browser – which means you can share the advert details with anyone on social media or by email).
    The display pages for adverts on the public pages for the “panel” or “tile” view will remain similar to now and the list view will also be retained though with an updated layout.

    Subject to final testing over the next few weeks we expect this to go live during August and we will email more details to all members
    (to resolve the “snags” found last year we are having to change the software we use to display webpages –  this involves updating nearly all the webpages over the next month or so  –  you will see some changes in layout while this work takes place and then a bigger change when we swap fully to the new software.  We will keep members updated as this work proceeds).


    It was really interesting to attend the June meeting and more notes will follow – it was my first meeting as I was away in February on a long planned long haul trip that was booked over a year ago

    Members may also be interested in the work that goes on outside of the meeting itself

    • on the Monday before we had a tour of the behind the scenes areas like plant rooms – we saw the newish plant room for air cooling and the fire suppression room and also the new control system Anfi have installed to manage the new equipment
      We also looked round the grounds and discussed the lift indicators which are failing and very old
    • have to say the new air con equipment certainly held up well in the very hot weather keeping apartment cool at 21c when outside was over 35c
    • we later met with committee members from the other Del Mar clubs to discuss items of common interest
    • and after the formal meeting we had a discussion with some of the other committee members
    • I’ll do a few more notes about the the meeting itself

    When I was at Anfi at the end of June in the last few days of my stay there was a lot of work bringing in new cabinets into the shop and also work on the front glazing and the roller front doors to the unit
    I have heard that the shop fit out is ahead of schedule and it may open before September  – there was still quite a bit of work to do when I left as ceiling needed fitting and much fitting out to do

    Hats off to the workmen as the temperature was 35-40c  during that week and they kept at it!!

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