Brian Taylor

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  • #93501

    The next OGM will be held by Zoom on  Thursday 28th Sept starting at 7pm and finish by 9pm

    Formal notice will be sent out at least 6 weeks before the meeting and members can raise questions upfront or during the meeting

    We are changing the OGM format to reduce the overall time and feel that an evening meeting will be more convenient for many members than one at a weekend

    We will issue reports upfront and then  allow

    –          1 hour to cover reports and resolutions  i.e. the “formal” bit of the meeting

    –          1 hour for Q&A and discussion – covering both questions sent in upfront and items arising from the meeting


    from the UK gov website today

    “The Spanish government has declared an end to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and has lifted all compulsory requirements to wear face coverings (‘Entry requirements’ page).”

    Time updated:   2:21pm, 5 July 2023


    and a plan of the temp shop locations during the works for new Spar


    some photos of the current state of the new Spar shop – photos from me and Geoff Matthews



    Hi Trevor
    Philip’s already replied and the Spar is still where it was when you were at Anfi last i.e. at end of the shopping area and close to Puerto entrance
    There is also the mini Spar at Anfi Beach reception

    Off site there are Spar shops in, amongst other places

    – just off Patalavaca roundabout

    – in Arguineguin near the sea front (with a very good ice cream bar)

    – in Puerto Rico opposite the newish shopping mall (the Spar there has good fresh fish and meat counters and a small beer hall with free samples!)
    At end of the mall is a HyperDino
    Well worth a look round the mall as you may not have seen it finished on your last visit

    Regards  Brian



    Hi Trevor

    the current Spar is open –  the new one is close by in the old shopping area

    Regards  Brian


    Hi Robert
    Sales are still working – I met with rep last Nov and they tried to sell an upgrade to our Monte floating week to change to a points contract for Gran Anfi & claimed better availability
    It wasn’t a compelling proposal !!


    quick reminder that the next Monte Anfi resort committee meeting is on the 27th June – please contact me if you have any queries

    The agenda includes items about the balcony flower boxes, toiletries and dispensers, renewal of furniture, repairs to concrete, replacement fund for 2024, and legal status of the floating system amongst other items

    Kind regards


    Hi Robert – was there any damage from the storm – on forecast it looked like it would move away after Wednesday


    Hi Robert
    Pam was out recently and says masks are not needed on buses and taxis though masks are needed in clinics and hospital settings
    Perhaps always best to take a few masks just in case rules change

    Enjoy your stay at Anfi – I’m out from 24th June for the Monte committee meeting – we never seem to get to Anfi at the same time!

    Kind regards


    Hi Trevor
    Yes the work is ongoing as a lot involved in converting the new area for Spar

    Regards Brian


    that’s a really good point – I had read it as though the week was resale but of course if may not be & well worth Andy checking as you say if it was a direct week –  is it in fact too late of Andy can prove he inherited via a Will etc


    Hi Andy
    What Sales have said is pretty much the case – unusual I know but true in this case!
    Anfi do not normally let resale weeks be put into AVC – I had a direct week and a resale floating week (which I bought after the direct week) and Anfi would not let me put the floating one into AVC
    One year I think there was an option to sell and buy back the week and then put into AVC but it wasn’t a low cost option

    I had an old style contract for my direct week and managed to get the floating week into AVC as part of signing a new contract (and then the week goes into AVC Weeks and not the AVC Points system – to do that would be more €€€)
    I’m afraid I know of no other way for you to get your resale week into AVC – other members may be able to confirm or know if there is a way round

    It is always just possible Anfi may change the rules in the future but they have always kept AVC for direct weeks as an incentive to buy direct

    Kind regards


    After looking further at availability, we believe it would be difficult to hold a physical OGM this year – hence we will be planning for a Zoom style one.

    Format wise we’ll send reports sent in advance with the formal part of the meeting being questions from members about those reports.  We will aim for a 1 hour formal OGM then after a short break have 1 hour open questions  – hence a 2 hour slot  which we hope will work better on Zoom and for most members availability.

    For dates we will be emailing members to see which option works for most members
    –          we could still go for Saturday the 30th September in say the morning or evening

    –          or for one weekday evening close to that date either 6-8pm or 7-9pm

    We will also consult on whether members would like the opportunity to meet via some regional face to face meetings if enough members are interested.   These would not be full committee meetings and would have committee members living locally attending.
    We would look for locations in the south east,  midlands, north west and north east, and  Scotland   –  not to do all of them but see which gets enough members to make it worthwhile.

    We could also hold online meetings to give updates and allow discussion – either to supplement regional meetings or as an alternative to give wider participation.  The survey will gain feedback on which options most members prefer.

    Regards Brian


    Thanks for the feedback Doreen – we are indeed now looking to hold a virtual OGM this year though perhaps supplement with some local meetings if there is sufficient interest

    Regards Brian


    just for info this is from Anfi’s website – though it says via AVC activities many members have used the service and I’m pretty sure my wife booked for a relative when they used our week –

    How can I arrange my transfer from the airport?
    Transfers can be arranged via our Anfi Vacation Club Activities & Services department by completing the form found in ‘Contact Us’ and selecting ‘Airport Transfers’ as the subject. To ensure we can fulfil your request, we recommend you send us your details at least 2 weeks before your arrival. Specially adapted vehicles for wheelchair users can be organized by request.

    Alternatively, arrangements can be made over the phone, a minimum of 2 working days before arrival, by calling our Customer Service department on +34 928 152 990 and choosing Option 1 or by sending an email with your membership, flight and reservation details directly to

    Your return journey should be arranged once you are on site via the Reception or Anfi Vacation Club Activities & Services department, a minimum of 2 working days before departure. If applicable, the cost will be added to your room bill to be paid at the end of your stay.

    Please note, if you are entitled to a free transfer, a request must still be made as described above, a minimum of 2 working days in advance, otherwise the cost may be charged to your room account or in some cases we may not be able to provide the service.


    It’s a good question –  there is online form via the Anfi members area and goes to this link –

    When you look at the form the question at end asks if your are an Anfi member or not – so I believe non members can be booked in though you seem to have to go initially via members area to get there!
    (if you are an AVC member you can use your “free” transfer for another person)

    I’d suggest your cousin fills in the form and just checks she gets confirmation back – or you could double check with Customer Services


    Hi Robert
    Thanks – I’d heard when I went over late November that there was quite a delay – over an hour –  though perhaps a one off


    We’ll be sending an email out shortly to sound out members on options for the OGM & dates

    For a face to face meeting we are currently looking at the 30th September with options for the 2nd or 9th September & with a potential location north of Birmingham due to hotel availability and cost
    A virtual meeting would allow a greater choice of dates including weekday evenings


    Hi Robert –  I’ve heard some people have had a delay when Anfi are waiting for passengers to come through – have you found it fairly quick using the Anfi bus


    Hi Sarah
    I’ve made the advert live now – it may be to do with the bank transfer payment which needs manual work to make the advert live compared to card via Stripe – I’ve emailed you with with a little more background on this
    Kind regards


    Roger has done an end of year report for 2022 on a separate post – see this link


    Hi Brendan
    I’d be very careful with any claims company or those posing as advice
    If all you want is to hand back then you can do that direct with Anfi provided maintenance fees are up to date – you don’t need any legal support to just hand back  – just email Customer Services and ask them to cancel your agreement (if you have a new contract the right to handback is written into the contract – with old contracts it isn’t but Anfi still have cancelled on request – or they used to take back if you hadn’t paid for 2 years)
    I haven’t been in touch with JLCA for some while though Roger had some contact about a year ago –  they could still represent members and I’d need to check – however the legal claim side is held up by Administration process and it is as yet unclear what will happen with new claims
    I believe new claims will not go through court until the administration has progressed)
    Unless you wish to try and pursue a claim then contacting Anfi to hand back is far simpler
    Do ask if further questions as I’m sure Roger and others on the committee can add to what I’ve said

    Kind regards
    (worth noting the JLCA arrangement was never to just extricate from  and Anfi contract – it was to give members an option to use a legal company for claims as opposed to the claims agents who were operating & still are – JLCA was never put forward as an option for those members just wishing to terminate their contracts as they can just hand back)



    Hi Marc
    We haven’t confirmed a date yet – looking probably in September and whether to be by Zoom or a physical meeting
    We may do a surveys to check out attendance and preferences

    There is a committee meeting mid April and will know more after that (I’m not organising the OGM so pending update from others)

    I have set up a new forum topic for info about the 2023 OGM –

    Regards Brian

    [Update 23rd April – I have posted potential dates on the 2023 OGM topic and we will soon be emailing members on their preferences]

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Brian Taylor.

    Hi Lynne
    Booked in advance it is 11€ per person each way and slightly less if you are in AVC
    There are some notes about luggage limits and charges – all on Anfi’s site

    The above link also has the online booking form

    Kind regards

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