Brian Taylor

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  • #86741

    I’ve used Autoreisen last Oct and TopCar in Nov – found both to be good – I did notice very big queues for Cicar when I came out on a Saturday at the end of Nov & they seemed to be processing people very slowly
    Autoreisen tend to be older cars – TopCar used to be newer cars but were not this time
    They both include 2nd driver and the extra for fully comp is not too much & is capped as well


    Hi Carl

    There is  lot posted in this Forum about the new contracts and the pro’s and con’s  –  for some while we have been advising members that best to sign unless they intend to pursue legal action against Anfi

    Anfi are pushing harder to get the remaining owners to sign – and we have heard of various tactics making booking of floating and points etc harder – Anfi also offered incentives for a while
    The Administrator may well be pushing Anfi to close of the remaining old contracts – the old contracts are not complaint with changes to timeshare law and hence Anfi have to get them updates & that removes the risk of further legal claims
    Does not excuse unpleasant tactics or behaviour  –  some other members have reported blackmail style tactics

    Unless you have any real concerns about the new contract I’d suggest looking at signing and see if any incentives like adding extra names to your contract for free – or adding a resale week to AVC are still available

    Kind regards  Brian


    info from Anfi Jan 23 about developments in shopping centre


    Exciting new food shopping concept in Anfi!

    Dear Members,

    The Anfi management has the pleasure of informing you that during the month of January work will start on the remodelling of the shopping centre, with the aim of offering our members and guests a much greater selection when shopping for food and drinks and for eating out. Anfi is continuously working to make improvements and to offer the best services to our members and guests.

    This ambitious remodelling project will incorporate, on the one hand, the transfer of the present shops to other units and, on the other hand, the improvement of the commercial area in the interior of the shopping centre. The following shops will remain in Anfi although they will be moving to other areas, and will be open again very shortly:

    · Parafarmacia will be located opposite the Havana Bar.

    · Boutique Amanda will be located at the entrance to Club Puerto Anfi on the 10th floor.

    · Electronic and Sunglasses will be located beside the shopping centre panoramic lift.

    · Newspapers & Magazines will be located within Spar.

    · Ilipop Toy Shop will be located on the main road to Club Monte Anfi, near the Anfi Clinic.

    We thank you for your understanding during this work, which should take approximately 6 months to complete. The work will be carried out as quickly as possible and we will do our best to ensure as little disturbance as possible.

    Anfi wishes to thank its members, employees, and suppliers for their trust and patience, and we are convinced that this new, modern shopping centre will be welcomed by all. We will keep you informed from time to time on the ongoing works, and should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

    We would like to take this opportunity of wishing you and your families a very happy and prosperous New Year and we look forward to seeing you in Anfi again soon.

    Anfi Group


    Members can look up the dates for the other Club committee meetings in the other resorts via the links in this recent News article


    Members can look up the dates for the other Club committee meetings in the other resorts via the links in this recent News article


    Members can look up the dates for the other Club committee meetings in the other resorts via the links in this recent News article –


    Members can look up the dates for the other Club committee meetings in the other resorts via the links in this recent News article –


    Hi Stuart
    Welcome to the Club – I will be sending you a welcome email shortly

    If you are renting or buying from someone who advertises on the Clubs website then firstly they are members of the Club
    – our payment system validates that the address they provide when they join is the same as their payment card
    – we normally have a telephone number in the membership data and our Rentals manager can get involved if issues arise
    – when the member advertises the address is again checked against the payment card and in fact this can highlight where member has moved and address not update on membership profile
    This is one of the advantages of buying or renting from a Club member compared to on Facebook or some other sites where no identity check is made

    For resales the Club provides an “escrow” style service for members selling provided they have been at least a year with the Club and have advertised via the Club – the money is deposited in the Clubs account and released on completion of sale – we have a document covering the steps in the sales process

    For rentals we have had very few problems over the last 20 years or so – only occasionally does the relationship between member renting and the renter break down – it does rely on good faith between the 2 parties
    The Club suggests
    – the details are clearly set out up front
    – the person renting pays a deposit to the member renting – say £100
    – the member renting out then applies for guest cert & normally Anfi will respond in a week or so
    – once the member renting has the guest cert they notify the person renting – who send the balance due and the member renting sends the guest cert
    (if prior confirmation is needed the member renting out could send email from Customer Services minus the guest cert to show it has been issued by Anfi)
    Please bear in mind that the member renting out can cancel a guest cert at any stage so the issue of it itself is not actually as final as some may think
    It is not that common for members renting to provide “proof” upfront of the ownership of the week – if they have floating or points they will have the booking confirmation though some are unwilling to release document unedited as it has contract info – you minimise risk by paying deposit and then the person renting getting the guest certificate
    Sometimes Anfi does have delay on guest certs and this can cause concerns

    Hope that helps but do ask if more queries

    Kind regards
    Brian (Treasurer)

    1 Anfi themselves do advertise via though you are looking at 50 to 70%+ on maintenance fee
    2 There are companies like Time & Leisure who advertise weeks – they are renting weeks on behalf of owners who use them – again you are paying an uplift for their services and profit
    By using them you would gain normal protection for commercial sales
    – most members charge only a small uplift on the cost of maintenance plus booking fee plus guest cert


    Report from Richard Weston on the October Beach club liaison committee meeting – this is published here along with the other Beach Club committee info for 2022:-
    (Monte report on this link)

    14th October 2022  Beach Club Report (Richard Weston)

    This meeting was originally supposed to be the meeting prior to the OGM 2 days later. However, as the auditor had not completed auditing the accounts by the time the papers were to go out to members, it was agreed in committee to move the OGM to 2023 and the sitting committee members would sit for another year.

    The budget was discussed and due to some large increases in costs, mainly gas and electricity, a rise was necessary. The figure put to us suggested a lower than 7% increase in maintenance. In discussion with the other clubs, it was decided that all the clubs could manage with a 7% increase with any excess improving the failing level of the replacement fund. The fact that that rise took us back to the 2020 maintenance fee level means there has technically been no change in maintenance fee for three years. 2023 will be a “settling down” year to see how the energy and salary costs level out and what effect it has had on the replacement funds so that we can move forward to more predictable stability from 2024 onwards. Hopefully over this time frame the administration process will have finalised to give members more confidence in holidays for the future.

    There have been some major repairs of balconies and other structures recently. The committees have requested second opinions on the cause of the problems and the methods of fixing which have been taken on board. The cause appears to be from water seeping from the balcony flower boxes into the ironwork reinforcing the apartment balconies. As such, the committee members feel that replanting flowers and continuing watering them is going to continue and exacerbate the problem. We have suggested removing all the watering system and replacing the flowers with something else. I have suggested artificial grass but other ideas have been put forward such as sealing the surface to stop water seeping down and putting pebbles with or without cacti which require minimal water or if plastic then no water.
    In February we will discuss the ideas put forward and we have suggested putting these ideas forward to members in a survey to try and act in a way the majority of members approve of. We all agree the geraniums at the outset were so beautiful they were the reason why many of us bought at Anfi. Unfortunately, no matter how much we want this, they are ultimately destroying the structure of the building so must be replaced by a non-watering alternative.

    The signing of new contracts was discussed again with the good news that very few members have not signed new contracts. The committee are please to hear that and strongly recommend that any member who has not signed a new contract, does so as soon as possible. If there is any confusion as to the contract’s content, your committee representatives are happy to give any help and explanations members require.
    Whilst we do understand many members have received settlements in law suits, it has often not returned the amount expected and has created more hassle than members expected. And finally with the company in administration, a law suit has much less chance of a pay out.

    The entertainment on the plaza was discussed and while there has been a return of the kids entertainment and a few small acts on the plaza, the stage has no plan yet for returned acts. Also this is now more associated with the restaurants controlling this than Anfi. We will seek an update in February meeting.

    Most of the shops in the arcade are closed and we are informed that Spar is negotiating with Anfi to possibly expand into this whole area increasing the services that they currently offer. An update will be reported in February.

    Richard Weston


    Report from Richard Weston on the November Monte liaison committee meeting and the December OGM:-
    (Beach Club report on this link)

    29th November 2022 Club Monte Report (Richard Weston)

    This was the last meeting of the year. The OGM that was supposed to be held in 2021 is now on 1st December 2022.

    All of the items reported in Beach report were also discussed in the Monte meeting.

    Additionally, the most urgent matter were the ongoing pool issues. The kids pool has been repaired, reopened, closed and re-repaired and finally reopened after over a year. We have complained that this is unsatisfactory. In repairing the pool they removed the slides. They then opened the pool without the slides and then closed the pool to install the new ones. Again poor management. But at least the pool is now finished and open.

    We also complained that the blue matting on the main pool was a bad image and that the tiling needs to be repaired with anti-slip tiles.

    We have discussed installing solar panels to reduce electricity requirements but at this time there is no plan to install them due to cost versus benefit.

    Monte OGM –  1st December 2022  (Richard Weston)

    I have represented members for 18 years on monte and 6 years on Beach committees. The national clubs agree that a member should not sit on more than one committee. In support of this I stood down from Monte and allowed Brian Taylor to stand in my place with the support of the 4 national clubs.

    The candidates were                             Votes
    Peter Siegler                  Germany         343
    Fred Anderson              Norway           372
    Brain Taylor                  UK                    309
    Marc Brunel-Walker   Independent   135


    We reported the outcome of the Monte OGM election in the News section of the website on the 3rd December and in the email sent to members just before Christmas – I’m putting that information into this post to complete this Forum section.
    I was voted onto the Monte committee at the OGM on the 1st December along with Peter Siegler from the German Club and Fred Anderson from Club Norway – many thanks to all the members who voted for us.

    The meeting had reports on the replacement fund and on financial reports for the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.  The results of the election for 3 candidates are as below (Fred, Peter, and Brian being elected for a 3 year term).

    Fred Anderson 372
    Peter Siegler     343
    Brian Taylor     309
    Marc Brunel-Walker 135
    Abstentions 5569    (i.e. Anfi Sales)
    Null 103
    Total 6831

    The 2023 resort committee meetings are in February, June and October and the Club will open topics on the Forum so you can raise questions in advance.

    Kind regards,  Brian


    there are 18 adverts currently showing “live” as quite a few been placed in the last month and then some taken off as booked


    Hi Daniel
    In previous years Anfi used to give us a sheet showing all the apartment rates for the resort we own in – but this year I can’t see that  info

    For our 2 bed Monte Pam & I have the same as you i.e. €694.15

    For Beach
    Pam & I have 2 bed 1 bath which is €668.84
    And a 1 bed biennial which is €287.37 equiv to €564.74 for a normal annual apartment   (our 1 bed in Gran is €616.99)

    With regard to the €129 for “AVC”  –  the AVC charge for points owners is €240  –  the €129 labelled as “AVC” is the booking charge for floating weeks whether held under AVC or for privately purchased weeks & this is a charge for the booking fee for each week owned, whereas the points fee covers any number of weeks that in points.

    I would definitely query your Beach maintenance fee as it looks wrong.

    As far as the AVC fee goes if you have a floating week then this has to be paid to enable you to book a week and I’m not aware of any way round that – some contracts have a charge when you book rather than upfront though it ends up more or less the same thing.
    If you bought direct and have a new contract you will see you have an underlying fixed week and could opt out of the floating system by giving advance notice as it runs in a 5 year cycle.

    Regards  Brian



    The Monte children’s pool had been out of action again for a while and was opened again just before Xmas – the work included resurfacing the pool and installing new flumes  – news from Anfi website
    We are pleased to inform you that the children’s pool in block B in Club Monte Anfi will be open once again from Wednesday 21 December, and now with the addition of a fantastic new double slide that we are sure all of our Anfi children will enjoy!
    The slide will be open from 09:00 until 17:30h, when the lifeguard is also on duty. Please abide by the rules of use of the slide for the safety and benefit of everyone, and we hope that that all our members are pleased by this improvement.

    Monte childrens pool with flumes


    Hi Doreen
    Thanks for the holiday report and I hope this encourages more members to provide a report, however short, of their experience at Anfi
    I’ve done some notes on my last visit in response to another post by Daniel –

    Picking up on some of your points
    – agree the state of the mini-golf course is sad – there is minimum maintenance in the area and I saw the gardeners pruning the trees which I assume is done by Anfi even though area outside of their control (until the future of the coastal strip management is resolved I don’t think we will see any change in the area) Quite a few people were playing on the golf while I was there
    Back in October after the heavy rains it did green up for a few weeks though was fading again by December

    – the balcony flower boxes were discussed at the Monte OGM in December & have also been discussed at the other committees – Anfi are looking at various solution including an artificial surface though perhaps artificial grass rather than pebbles

    – I had the same problem as you that the QR code was not always showing the same appliance as I actually had – though that used to happen with printed booklets as well

    – wi-fi worked well for my visit though have heard of others having problems like you had

    – I agree the entertainment is awful – the children’s session did seem well attended – I heard there is a possibility of the stage being opened up again though there are issues with insurance etc and again this is all tied into the management of the coastal strip

    Kind regards


    Hi Daniel (& Colleen)
    I’ve highlighted the points you raised to the committee members who are involved with the Anfi committees at Beach and Puerto – sounds like something went badly wrong

    I was at Anfi for 4 weeks in October at Beach then Monte then Gran and found the cleaning good throughout  (I was also back for a week at the end of November at Beach and again no cleaning issues)
    At  Beach in October we did have similar issue to Colleen where not enough towels were left as my son and family were joining us and reception knew that –  we rang reception and the they provided extra towels the same day
    When my son left on a Saturday my other son came out on the Sunday – I’d asked Beach reception about getting the bedding changed for the single bed my 2nd son would be using & said if they left bedding I could change the sheets – on the day they actually changed the bedding in all the rooms which was way beyond what I expected
    I also had some issues with the small kitchen appliances at Beach and again fixed on the day I reported them  –  and in Gran the washing machine was very noisy & the technician attended same day and couldn’t repair so came back with colleague and replaced with a new machine & overall this took 2 or 3 hours (& he did sweep and clean up all the mess on the floor too!)
    I hope you use the online feedback form Anfi issue to let them know they did not meet the level of service they should as that is a key way of Anfi management knowing when things are not up to standard

    I did see some other areas where standards are not what they ought to be and various areas will need more attention as the resort ages –   there was a lot of work going on with balcony repairs while I was there and with repainting all the corridor handrails – plus the Monte children’s pool and the new flumes
    The kitchens and bathrooms must also need some major work before too long

    Regards  Brian


    Hi Robert

    I looked up their Facebook page and they closed a few days ago & open up Monday 12th December at 6pm (the FB post is in Spanish, so trusting the translator worked!)

    Could try next week if you are still there

    Regards Brian


    Pam and I have have just got back from a stay at Anfi – we didn’t manage to get to Palm Garden and it seems to get booked up more ahead than I’d allowed for

    – Valentinos was good as ever –  we tried for a second visit before coming back but it was booked up

    – By Roccio (next to Sagitario) –  went 3 times and one of our favourites – on Sunday they have live music (you can book off the Fork app which is easy way to book table) – good food and service

    – Sagitario –  good meal and prompt service

    – Taj Palace in Mogan Mall – good Indian (again can book via Fork app)

    – Fernandos in Patalavaca – went twice and good food and reasonably priced

    – Montsemar on Patalavaca beach – good food though bit expensive

    – La Lanterna –  check the menu as it wasn’t quite what we were looking for though my son and his wife went a week later and said it was great

    – Cuerva Pirata –  good meal – do book as they were full the evening we went

    We didn’t eat onsite but my son & his family used Nube and said it was fine – Nube was certainly busy throughout our stay as was Bella Pasta

    Hope that helps


    We know Anfi have been trying various tactics to get people to sign
    Other members who have encountered the issue on trying to book seem to have got round it by complaining to Customer Services or the manager Maria Hildago

    It can’t be right for Anfi to take your maintenance money and not let you book or bank the week

    Having said that we believe most owners have signed new contracts and see no reason not to sign unless you are thinking of suing Anfi (which is a long process and uncertain during and after administration)
    If you do decide to sign  new contract and have a resale week then Anfi will put this into AVC Weeks for free  –  and/or may offer other incentives & certainly have made up for lost week

    Do let us know how you get on

    Kind regards


    Hi Dag Finn
    There have been a lot of enquiries for adverts and they may just have been booked up – I’ll look up some numbers – the actual £ income is well down on last year but we have dropped the fee for adverts a lot & I can check with Steve on rental numbers

    Kind regards


    I am at Anfi until the 14th November & if any members are out and would like to meet up or have questions do let me know
    Brian –


    Thanks for the feedback Robert –  and good to hear the rentals have worked for you

    When members advertise with the Club adverts we feel the layout and search do help – and we have a level of reputation  –  also when the small advert fee is paid that let’s the system check that the address of the payment card is the same as the membership address –  which gives  us extra confidence that the persons identity is genuine
    It does cost a  bit for the coding that runs the adverts & hence why there is a small fee


    Hi Robert

    We went to Cueva Pirata last night and had an excellent meal and good service. You get a great view over to Anfi too.

    I’m sure it is open in December as they normally only closes after Easter and open later in June.  It’s a family business and they have their holidays

    I’m out myself from 26th November for the Monte OGM but travel back 2nd December

    Kind regards, Brian


    If elected I would assist Monte owners from any country, and irrespective of whether they are Anfi UK members or not,  as indeed the current elected committee members do –  the contact details are published by Anfi and your Club also  publishes a copy of these contacts.

    In my past work for the Club I have been in contact helping members and non-members from both the UK and  other countries.  The Club does get queries from non members via our contact forms and through the rentals service and general queries non members send in.

    Regards, Brian


    and this from today

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