Julie Jordan
Forum Replies Created
24/02/2017 at 11:21 am #8557
I would suggest you query it yourself with Anfi before she goes, as you are the one with the contract with Anfi – they may not be willing to refund the fee if it is your daughter querying it, as they don’t have a contract with her.
15/02/2017 at 5:46 pm #8386Hello Angus
Thanks for the tip on how to get Anfi to be reasonable about this. Please update us when you actually receive your certificates. But don’t hold your breath…..
It is common problem that has been experienced by many other members who have inadvertently lost or destroyed their membership certificates. Unfortunately it can easily happen when people have fires or floods or move house.
Anfi also routinely refuse to provide copy contract terms and conditions to members who have bought Anfi weeks on the resale market. The advice here must be to make sure you get copies of these from the people you buy your resale week from (or the timeshare supermarket brokering the sale) before you hand over your cash.
15/02/2017 at 4:55 pm #8381There seems to be a flurry of activity at the moment – I’ve had several emails and phone calls in the last week from timeshare claims companies including Justice4.
11/02/2017 at 2:59 pm #8262Hi Angus and welcome to AnfiUK.
I’m the Committee Secretary and a retired solicitor so I suppose to that extent I am seen as the ‘Club’s Legal team’ 🙂
In reality the position is that, in 2015 when the possibility of the claims was first known about, we held a mini-tender type exercise and selected Spanish firm JLCA-Lawyers as the lawyers we would refer AnfiUK members to. JLCA have a agreed an exclusive fee structure with us which we believe is reasonable and they provide a good standard of client service, with native English speaking staff whom you can communicate with by telephone, email or Skype if you prefer.
Crucially, although you will have to be willing to pay up front legal fees – there is no ‘no win no fee’ type offer available – these are clearly set out in your fee agreement – cover all stages of the claim, right through to an appeal to the Supreme Court, should your claim go that far, AND all sums recovered will be yours – JLCA do not retain any of the amount awarded to you, unlike many of the claims companies which retain up to 40% on top of the legal fees (which you may or may not win back from the other side).
Please email me on secretary@anfiukmembers.co.uk if you have any queries OR if you need more information about the AGM, if you joined recently and did not receive the emails of 16 January and 4 February with all AGM details. If you intend to come you will be very welcome but you will need to register to attend the AGM by 4 March latest so we can ensure you get a lunch beforehand and a chair to sit on!
Julie Jordan, Committee Secretary
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Julie Jordan.
08/02/2017 at 1:54 pm #8190Ettington Chase rates only available until 16 March
Just a reminder to members attending the AGM and intending to stay at Ettington Chase to book their hotel rooms before 16 March 2017 to take advantage of the special rates available to AnfiUK members. We have negotiated very favourable rates for AnfiUK members of £125.00 double/£95 single (including dinner) on Friday 17 March and £85.00 double/£75 single on Saturday 18 March.
I just did a quick search on Trivago – other hotel booking sites are available – and their cheapest for the two nights was £118.00 per night (excluding dinner). So Steve has got us a cracking deal here – don’t miss out!
NB Don’t forget to book for the Gala Dinner too on the Saturday at £25.00 per person. Menu choices are available via the link in the email sent to you on 16 January 2017.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Julie Jordan.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Julie Jordan.
07/02/2017 at 11:44 am #8158AGM documents
Please visit my Club/Meetings and click on the link to the 19th AGM to see the AGM Agenda and financial report documents for 2016. – Documents for the 19th AGM
You can also find a link here to a blank version of the reply form for the AGM, so if you are having any difficulties with the email version, you can let us know if you are attending or complete it to appoint a proxy or submit your votes by email or post. Please use your membership rights to vote. It is really important to the Committee to know that we are engaging with members even if they are unable to attend the AGM in person.
If you could please try and send your responses to the AGM invite to both me secretary@anfiukmembers.co.uk and to Mark Earthey, our Social Secretary social@anfiukmembers.co.uk that would be appreciated.
Committee and liaison representative reports will follow in due course.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Julie Jordan.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Emrys Davies.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Emrys Davies.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Emrys Davies.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Brian Taylor.
05/02/2017 at 11:35 am #8090Dear members
You should now have received your formal invite to attend the AGM on 18 March 2017 at Ettington.
During the coming weeks we will be posting links to reports and other documents related to the AGM here on the website for you to read before the AGM itself.
Please ‘subscribe’ to this thread and keep an eye out for emails notifying you when new documents have been posted.
We hope to see many of you at the AGM, but if you cannot make it this year, please exercise your membership right to either appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf or submit email or postal votes on the Committee Resolutions. If you wish to appoint a proxy but do not know of another member who is attending the AGM, any member of the Committee will be happy to act as your proxy – we’ll all be there, all being well!
If you could please try and send your responses to the AGM invite to both me secretary@anfiukmembers.co.uk and to Mark Earthey, our Social Secretary social@anfiukmembers.co.uk that would be appreciated.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Julie Jordan.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Emrys Davies.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Julie Jordan.
02/02/2017 at 12:01 pm #8047PS Don’t forget to ‘Subscribe’ to this thread so you are notified of any updates relating to the AGM.
All Committee and liaison representative reports will be posted here for you to read before the AGM weekend.
02/02/2017 at 12:00 pm #8046Calling all new members
If you recently joined AnfiUK welcome to the Club! If you did not receive an email from me dated 16 January including all the preliminary information you need about the AGM, because you weren’t on our mailing list then, do drop me a line on secretary@anfiukmembers.co.uk and I’ll send you a copy.
We’ll be sending out a formal invitation with more information within the next few days.
Key points to note are:
- the Programme for the weekend – see post above
- don’t forget to call the hotel to book your room(s) and also to register for the Gala Dinner on the Saturday night and make your menu choices – the hotel are dealing with this directly this year
- if you want to arrange an appointment with JLCA then you should email Emma Belgum directly to arrange this – her email is e.belgum@jlcalawyers.com – please note they are only likely to be available for individual appointments on Friday 17 March as they will be leaving for Spain immediately after their group presentation on Saturday at 10.30am.
Looking forward to seeing you all in March!
Committee Secretary
28/01/2017 at 9:40 am #7905Advice notice of the proposed AGM weekend Programme:
Friday 17 March
By appointment – meet with JLCA – please make your appointment directly with JLCA.
5.00 – 6.30pm Pre-AGM Committee Meeting
7.00pm – unofficial pre-AGM drinks and dinner in the Tempus Bar and Grill RestaurantSaturday 18 March
10.30-12.00noon – JLCA presentation on the progress of the claims to date
12.00 – 1.30pm – Light Lunch – free to members pre-registered to attend the AGM
12.30-1.30pm – Registration for attendance at the AGM
1.30-4.30pm – AGM in the Wordsworth Suite – formal business followed by an informal discussion period
7.00 for 7.30pm – Gala DinnerSunday 19 March
10.00am Committee meeting to assign roles for the next year.24/01/2017 at 6:31 pm #7780Members Resolutions please?
Dear Members
You will recently have received an email or letter from the Club with information about the 2017 AGM.
This is just a reminder that if any member wishes to propose a resolution for consideration at the AGM, please can you send it to me by 4 February – that’s next week!!!! You can send it by post or email (secretary@anfiukmembers.co.uk), but I do need it by 4 February latest, as that is the date that the formal AGM invitations must be sent out (under our Club Constitution).
If you are proposing a resolution and have not already provided proof of ownership at Anfi, e.g. a copy of your most recent maintenance invoice, when you renewed your membership, please include that proof with your Resolution – we have all now received our 2017 maintenance invoices form Anfi.
Thanks – and I look forward to seeing you all at this year’s AGM on 18 March.
Committee Secretary
- This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Julie Jordan.
20/01/2017 at 4:59 pm #7710Hi Nigel
A warm welcome to AnfiUK. Please note the information about the AGM on 17/18 March as JLCA will be there to see individual members on the Friday and give an updating presentation to all interested members on the Saturday morning. If you would like to meet them face to face this is an ideal opportunity. It would be great to meet you too. Brest regards,Julie
Committee Secretary
17/01/2017 at 4:31 pm #7645STOP PRESS – JLCA ARE NOW ABLE TO ATTEND THE 2017 AGM WEEKEND
JLCA have now confirmed that they can attend our AGM weekend on 17/18 March after all.
On Friday 17 March, they will be available to meet individually with members who wish to discuss potential future claims or existing claims. Please contact Emma Belgum directly on e.belgum@jlcalawyers.com to arrange an individual appointment. If there is demand they may be able to see a few members only very briefly before their presentation at 10.30am on the Saturday morning.
On Saturday 18 March at 10.30am JLCA will give a group presentation to any members interested in attending about the progress of the claims so far. This will be a further opportunity to ask any questions you may have and to participate in a general discussion.
JLCA need to leave at 12.00 noon sharp to catch their flights back to Spain, so sadly they will not be available to meet members after the presentation. We suggest you make your appointment now if you think you may wish to meet with them.
The Committee look forward to welcoming all members, old and new, to the AGM weekend. You will receive further information about the weekend by email shortly.
Committee Secretary
- This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Julie Jordan.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Julie Jordan.
14/12/2016 at 10:23 am #6885Members owning at Tauro may be interested in reading this article http://thecanarynews.com/tides-take-sands-from-tauro-beach/
14/12/2016 at 9:49 am #6883Hello Janette and welcome to the Club!
Yes, we are referring members to JLCA rather than CLA (no connection despite the unfortunately similar initials) as we believe they offer better value for money for those wishing to make a claim. Their fees are less than CLA, payment is by instalments, fees are fixed and therefore known in advance AND when your claim is successful JLCA do not take any of the funds recovered from Anfi – CLA take 25%!!!! JLCA were selected by the Committee in 2015 as the firm of choice for our members after comparing them to two other Spanish law firms offering similar services, as we felt they could offer the best support and advice to our members. Please read the current and historic threads on this Forum about making claims for all the information available. Give yourself a bit of time as there is a lot to read.
We do not know how CLA have acquired the contact details of Anfi owners, but we do know that many of the sales people at CLA used to work for Anfi itself.
08/12/2016 at 10:25 am #6723Congratulations Richard – well done! Please can we have an OGM report for the Forum? 🙂