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  • #60376

    Hi John

    That does not sound correct to me either. Do you want me to raise it with Anfi management?



    I am really sorry to learn of your issue. If your flights were cancelled by the airline then you had a right to be rebooked on a different flight, even if that was with a rival. I am not sure where you live, but flights were running to Gran Canaria on those dates. I had a friend who was there from 1-14 August and his flights were cancelled by Ryanair but he rebooked with Easyjet. The only circumstances in which you will qualify for and rebate from Anfi is when they are closed and, as you said, they re-opened on 31 July. Therefore you need to claim on your Travel Insurance. Anfi can give you a ‘non arrival letter’ to prove you did not go. If your flights were cancelled at the last minute and you were not offered an alternative then you may have a claim under EU Consumer Protection law for the whole of the lost holiday, but you should expect to have to make a formal complaint to the relevant Ombudsman. You will find the start of the information you need here:


    Hi John

    I can escalate this for you if I have permission to use your name.



    Letters are being sent out informing members officially that the OGM is postponed. I received mine on 3 October. The existing committee will have their terms extended. There will need to be a new round of nominations in 2021 in case any of the current nominees cease owning or no longer want to stand for election.

    Personally, I find it frustrating that Anfi cannot hold a ‘virtual OGM’ but, apparently, only physical attendance counts towards a quorum.


    To update this: at the moment it is unlikely that Anfi Beach Club, Puerto Anfi or Anfi Emarald Club will reopen anytime soon due to the low occupancy. We have been told that none of the clubs will open until occupancy in Gran and Monte exceeds 50%. That is the point when social distancing becomes harder and also when it is likely that the supply of the 2 bedroom plus size apartments will exceed demand.


    Have you heard from Anfi now? What was the outcome?


    Hi Sheila

    Are your weeks in the period when Anfi was closed (weeks 11-30)? If so, the deal negotiated by the Liaison Committees were that all owners were treated exactly the same. You can opt for a credit against your 2021 fees of about 60% of the fees paid or you can book a replacement week up to the end of 2022.

    If your weeks were in the period 31-52 then you are right, there is no refund because the clubs were open. Also, the fee is for maintenance not occupation. However, Anfi will issue you with a non arrival letter upon request (of course, only after your week has passed so they can confirm you did not arrive!). Whether you can get anything from your insurer depends on whether they cover timeshare or self booked holidays. The cheaper insurers will only cover package holidays. That is why owners need to check their travel insurance carefully as these rules apply just the same if you are ill or an airline goes bust.

    I hope that helps. If you need any more advice, please contact one of the committee directly.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Roger Byatt


    Hi Richard

    I am sorry to hear you are in this situation.

    Are you a member of Anfi Vacation Club? Are they in the points or floating systems? If any of these are true, then you may be able to ‘bank’ your weeks for use later this year or next year. That is what I did earlier in the year. That way you do not lose them.

    The situation is unfortunate, but correct from Anfi’s perspective. The clubs are open and the flights are running so owners have the ability to get to Gran Canaria. The fact they are not going is, as they see it, a matter of choice. Now there is free insurance for arrivals provided by the Grana Canaria government is is not as if people who travel will be uninsured. The problem is the UK Government’s requirement to quarantine when returning from any part of Spain. That, clearly, is something the Gran Canarian authorities cannot control and, of course, it could be lifted at a moment’s notice in the same way it was imposed.

    The other point is that our fees are for maintenance not use of our apartments. Therefore delaying payment changes nothing as you will then be barred from going until the fees are paid and, if you do not pay them two years in a row, it is likely your ownership will be cancelled.

    I hope this is of help. I will be interested to see how you get on. If you do go, please let us know what it is like out there at present. My current understanding is that Anfi is much emptier than normal, which could be nice!


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by MembershipSec.

    The current situation is that Anfi is open and flights to the Canary Islands are running. Therefore there is no reason why your holiday on 10th August cannot go ahead. Anfi are only providing (partial) refunds for weeks up to 31st July. If the week is a fixed week then the owner will not be able to ‘bank’ it for future use or get a refund.

    The good news is that the Canary Islands government are providing free Covid19 insurance to all tourists from now:

    I hope you enjoy your holiday.


    I have just received an official notice from Anfi. They apologised for the delay but this was caused by the sudden change in UK government guidance.

    “As you all know Anfi opened its’ doors once again on Friday 31st July.

    The previous weekend, however, came the devasting news that the UK Government were disuading people from travelling abroad and that if anyone spent time in Spain they would have to complete a 14 day quarantine period.  This has caused a good many extra cancellations for the clubs and has affected particularly the smaller clubs, Anfi Emerald Club and Club Puerto Anfi.

    Due to the cancellations of accommodation, it was decided to reallocate members from Anfi Emerald Club into Gran Anfi and members from Club Puerto Anfi into Club Monte Anfi.

    We envisage this to continue during a very short period only until the UK Government lift the quarantine period and flights are fully operational once again, therefore making sense to re-open these 2 smaller clubs.”

    At the same time I have reports from a Gran Canaria resident that a number of the restaurants, notably El Poncho and Bella Pasta, have delayed their re-opening. Occupancy in Gran Anfi and Beach Club is reported to be about 25%.


    There has been a problem on the Anfi site. Mine were zero there and correct on the phone based App. Check it again and let me know if there is still an issue.


    Absolutely. They re-open for guests on 31 July. (Unless government advice changes).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by MembershipSec.

    This is the information Anfi are sending regarding changes to the clubs from 31st July’s re-opening. It sounds pretty hopeful:

    Upon re-opening on July 31st, we expect all Anfi services to be up and running as before, with a few exceptions regarding the Spanish social distancing laws.  The beach is already open, and we expect the pools to open on time also.

    You will be required to wear a face mask in all public areas, except the pool and the beach. Please bring a sufficient amount with you. You will be checked on this at the Airport.

    The restaurants and shops, all plan to reopen, although it depends on them meeting the guidelines from the government.

    I hope this information helps, and we look forward to welcoming you back.


    I have raised these concerns directly with Anfi management. Will post their reply here when I receive it.


    Anfi have told me that some things, like the maintenance activity, will not be updated until the staff can all return to working on site and can really review the stages of each project.


    Hi Vee

    I know the app is currently down and the webcams are offline until closer to reopening. The website does also seem to be out of action. I certainly got onto the site on Thursday but haven’t tried since then. I will contact Anfi and ask about it.



    Anfi Reopening:

    The clubs are set to reopen from week 31, starting on Friday 31 July 2020.

    Official announcement on 24 June.

    This is, of course, subject to Spain not reimposing restrictions.

    There will also be a compensation scheme announced for members who had bookings from weeks 11-30 inclusive. They can receive a credit of 60% of their maintenance fee against their 2021 fees or book another holiday up to the end of 2022 through AVC. It could mean that you could go next year for two weeks instead of one by booking the week adjacent to your own.

    This applies to all members, regardless of how weeks were purchased.


    Assuming you are happy with Anfi and the weeks you have, then there is no problem with signing. It is also a good chance to add relations who may want to take over your weeks.

    If you are thinking of taking legal action to get out of your contract then you should not sign.

    I should stress this is my personal view.



    Anfi Reopening:

    The clubs are set to reopen from week 31, starting on Friday 31 July 2020.

    Official announcement on 24 June.

    This is, of course, subject to Spain not reimposing restrictions.


    Anfi are due to announce a scheme which should make it easier for you to get another week and, if you want to, go for longer. Once they announce it, I can give you more details.


    I am sorry you received this notification. Your elected representatives on the Anfi Del Mar liaison committees have been negotiating hard with Anfdi management over the last month to agree a scheme that is equitable for all of us who have been unable to go to Anfi due to the Covid19 crisis, and does not jeopardise the future of the resort. A scheme was agreed last week and is, we understand, due to be announced next week. Until then I am not allowed to talk about the details.

    You will be encouraged to sign a new contract (I have done so) but it will not be manadatory. If you choose to go to Anfi another time you will have more weeks to choose from.

    Until I am allowed to talk about this, watch this space….


    From what I can see there seems to be little information to suggest Anfi is in financial trouble. The articles in the Spanish press seem to be rather ambiguous about the status of Santana Cazorla. Like most companies, there is a complex structure with companies often created for specific projects. It looks as thought the company that the courts have provisionally decided is bust is Santana Cazorla SL This is separate from the construction business Hermanos Santana Cazorla S.L. Where the Anfi holdings sit in the group, I do not know.

    At the same time Cazorla’s interests are suing Lopesan to try to undo the sales of the Lyng family interests to Lopesan

    I should add that I have been unable to verify these stories through any more reliable news source.

    With respect to your last point, I would love it if owners bought into the group!



    It is believed they will reopen in week 31, either Friday 31 July or Saturday 1 August. This is subject to risk assessment and government approval.


    Hi Paul

    There is a virtual meeting with Anfi Management tomorrow and we hope to be able to agree a plan of action with them by the end of this week or next. Watch this space.


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