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  • #1535

    Best to create a ‘petrol’ category and tick it for the relevant towns. Likewise, could tick ‘restaurants’ for those towns that have them…


    The thumb and star was just there so people could get a visual indication of opinion. I added a modal (little explanation box appears on mouseover) which is why you’re getting the hand icon. Not sure why it’s not showing on Safari. Have just upgraded the theme, so it may now work.


    The underlying structure is that a custom post type is created called ‘places’. Views of this data can be created as required and put ‘wherever’ on the website. I think this data could/should? be the main repository for information about ‘anything’ of interest. For example, when considering the useful info, I considered taxi firms, where a pin is irrelevant but the info’s useful. The ‘Places’ page could then become a ‘directory’ instead/as well.


    Price removed; resort is now a checkbox.

    Calendar: not beyond the scope of WP – we can use PHP if required, and use the existing theme to display it ‘on hover’ on the advert.  However, I think it probably is outside the scope of current work.  Perhaps something to consider once we’ve got the whole thing up and running?

    We are also constrained within the filters – there’s very limited control over how the labels appear next to the checkboxes, so I don’t think we could do it there.  I have, though, added a ‘show calendar’ link above the week filter, which should help.

    On the adverts themselves, not a problem.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.

    I am inclined to remove the page to which you are referring – the one describing the terms for listing an ad.  I think it would be better to have a box on ‘My Adverts’ similar to that on the ‘Rentals’ page, which says ‘by listing an advert you agree to the terms and conditions’ with a popup showing the terms, as on the advert page (consistency…). This will work better within the workflow of creating an advert, i.e. they can create it, but will see the message before getting to payment.

    What do people think?


    We are using the plugin sort functionality, which does allow sorting by multiple fields (pre-set, not user-controllable), but I’d rather not go beyond 2, for practical and maintenance reasons.  Much more transparent (from a maintenance point of view) to stick to one.

    However,  the only practical way to deal with Week Numbers (which are set up as checkbox selections) is with filtering, NOT sorting, so I think we need to change perspective to filters rather than sorting.  This ties in with Emrys’ comment about a ‘search’.  If someone’s interested in specific weeks and a specific year, they can filter to show only those adverts – at which point the order is far less important.

    With that in mind, I’ve beefed up the filters (and renamed it ‘search’) at the top of the advert list.  I know there are formatting and ordering issues to resolve, but please take a look to see if you think what’s there meets the requirement in principle.

    With respect to number of bedrooms, we have an ‘apartment type’ checkbox list to cover this one.

    (As I said, please don’t comment on the search formatting or ordering….)


    Calendar moved as requested.


    Yes, that was imperfect, wasn’t it?  Previous/Next buttons now hidden, so people can’t do that.

    There was a default template showing the various bits of data you could see.  I have instead created a template so that, if someone chances upon the right URL for an ad, it simply shows 2-4 buttons linking to places of interest…

    …and when showing the enquiry form for any ad, it is now populated with default values, so there’s no chance of seeing previously-entered data.

    Thank you for picking this up.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.

    Yes, deletion still o/s. Now complete.

    Also o/s – separate Rentals from Resales.  Now complete.

    Admin can delete or ‘hide’ any advert.  This will make it invisible to the customer.  Hiding would mean it was possible to ‘bring it back’.

    What order do you want…?  And what filters?  In general, I think it’s worth giving people ‘everything’, then let them filter it down.  However, we have to be careful, e.g. not all ads have week numbers, so if you filter by week number it would exclude ads for ‘flexible’ periods.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.

    That’s pretty much right.  I’ll also illustrate with a couple of stories.

    The Enquirer’s story:

    1. Enquirer sees an advert they like
    2. Enquirer clicks on ‘contact owner’ and submits the form on the website
    3. Enquirer receives an email confirming their message.
      OUR DECISION: does that include the advertiser’s email address? Consensus seems to be ‘no’.
    4. Enquirer (hopefully) receives contact via mail or phone from advertiser, based on the details they submitted.
    5. If enquirer doesn’t receive a response, what do they do…?

    The Advertiser’s story:

    1. Advertiser creates and publishes an advert (does not publish contact details)
    2. Advertiser receives an email with the enquirer’s contact details and message, sent via the website form in (2) above, to the email address they used to register on the website
    3. Advertiser contacts enquirer directly, using the details submitted by the enquirer.


    1. Public see no contact information unless added to the advert text by the advertiser.*
    2. Using the ‘contact advertiser’ link, an email goes to the advertiser (to the email address associated with their member account) containing the details that were submitted by the enquirer, including the email address, phone (optional) and message that they entered.
    3. Also via the ‘contact advertiser’ link, an email goes to the enquirer with the details they submitted, plus the email address of the advertiser.**

    *As an observation about (1): I think advertisers should be strongly discouraged from adding their contact details to a public website – it’s a recipe for receiving spam.  Who wants to broadcast their email address and phone number, literally to the world?

    **I figured it was a good idea to give the enquirer the advertiser’s email address so they could chase, but can remove this if you want.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by oothadmin.

    Yes, the rental advert is fully customisable.


    The only thing that stops a member turning a rental ad into a completely different one is the expiry date of the ad…which at the moment is set to a year.   I don’t see how we can both give flexibility for people wanting to improve their ads, and prevent this happening, should a member be so inclined.

    Perhaps for internal discussion?

    I might be tempted to go for a shorter expiry date.


    That’s not actually true.  All they need to do is to create a rental ad from their floating Timeshare, then edit the advert to change it to ‘fixed’, then they get the option to enter the week numbers etc as though it was a fixed timeshare.


    Scrolling on the ad itself doesn’t really make sense in such a small space, hence the ‘more info’ link.   I will improve the onscreen instructions on the ‘My Adverts’ page, to ensure that people know to scroll down to enter the ‘more info’ in the box underneath the displayed ad.


    Not possible.  It is the short description that shows in the ad. Are you sure you ‘refreshed’?  The website does use some cacheing, so it might be that you’re not seeing the update immediately because a cached page is being re-displayed.

    I am inclined to suggest that the whole site be protected by SSL, in which case each page will be reloaded from scratch – this slows things down a little, but I think worth it.

    I was a little nervous about using the notes as the default short description.  I will remove this link, so the short description starts empty.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by oothadmin.

    Good point.  Need a ‘delete’ button.


    Hi Karen,

    With respect to reporting, WooCommerce (the shop software) lists all orders taken, so it’ll be easy to see orders by product (rental/resale) with dates.



    Now solved 🙂

    Plugin authors provided a hotfix and it will be resolved properly at next release of the plugin…

    (incidentally, the process of investigation included upgrade of the plugins and also of WordPress to 4.5, which is what broke the front-end text editor, until I also upgraded the theme to latest version as well, so that’s now solved too.).


    When you ‘contact owner’ an email is sent to the registered email address of the user who created the advert.  That email contains the contact details submitted in the form (email address is a compulsory field in the form).

    An email is also sent to the email address put in the form (i.e. back to the enquirer) confirming the message.  At this point, I have included the advertiser’s email address in that message.  Do you want this to remain?  It gives the enquirer a way to get in touch if they don’t hear anything (e.g. if the email from the website went into the owner’s spam).


    1. All should be back now – the disappearing content was my fault…

    2. I think html is stripped by default when pasting into the forum editor.  However, with respect to the forum transfer, if you want to keep the date context, then the transfer is a 2-step process of copying the content, then goign into the back-end and changing the post date…


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by oothadmin.

    Apartment number is a numeric field, so it needs to be either left blank or have a number. If left blank, it just doesn’t appear on the ad, so you can put something in the additional text.
    I see what you mean about the editor. I’m having the same problem. Will investigate…


    Linking to current pages – I assume you’re asking about whether a link containing https://anfiukmembers.co.uk/ can be bulk-changed to https://www.anfiukmembers.co.uk/ at a later date.
    I intend to do a full database search/replace with this so yes, no problem.
    (The longer link will continue to work, in any case).
    I am also currently looking at SSL certificates, which will mean changing all http:// to https:// in links, which will be necessary for taking payments, and sensible when handling member data. I think the only way at the moment is to buy one for £50 p.a. (2-day setup). The reason why I mention it is that it would be better to get this set up sooner rather than later, so links can be hard-coded with the s in the first place.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by oothadmin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by oothadmin.

    Links to members – each member does have a forum proflie, which is linked-to underneath your ‘image’ – so that’s all there in the forum, and you can just copy/paste that link from another member’s post.

    Do you want me see if I can add a link to the Author’s profile in Member Stories?



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