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  • #18717

    Hi Carolyn, we went to court at the end of March and our contract was declared null and void in June,  so yes you are correct it will be 12 months



    We have been notified by JLCA that we have been given a date for the deliberation of the appeal at the high court, it is 18th June 2018.

    Karen & Arthur


    Thanks Angus.

    Emma Belgum and Inma Haro are PA’ s to the Lawyers and yes we have been in contact with Emma and she has no news to report.



    Arthur and myself would love to attend an informal/formal AGM and if you wish to save money we could just meet up on the Friday or Saturday evening for an informal meal. Karen


    Our court case was at the end of March 2017 with a similar experience to others, we waited at least 8 weeks when the Judge ruled in our favour and declared our contract null and void. Anfi appealed and JLCA  asked for money for a counter appeal and then more money on 6th September to enforce execution. We have heard nothing from JLCA since then. Karen


    We stayed at Dunas Mirador Maspalomas  (cheap and cheerful)  and the courts are at the bottom of the hill. Google maps  Juzgados De San Bartolommeo De Tirajana about 10 minutes walk. It’s near Sonnenland. All the courts appeared to be in the same building we were in court 3.

    • The court house is a 5€  taxi ride from Maspalomas lighthouse it’s not up in the mountains. Karen

    Brian McCurdy has had a partial payment.


    We received an email from JLCA today informing us that our weeks had been declared null and void. Our court was number 3 and Anfi have 20 days to appeal.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Karen.

    I don’t think members of this club should be posting the email from JLCA  on the Facebook group Anfi Del Mar.


    That sounds good to me Richard.  Karen



    Why is SGM being rushed Richard ? Karen


    Angus I totally agree with you but may I suggest that you either copy your email to Jose-Luis Campillo or send it to him and copy it to Emma. I will do the same tomorrow.

    email for Jose is: senior@jlcalawyers.com


    Many thanks to everybody for the input to my question it is much appreciated. I have emailed Emma and I am awaiting her reply.


    Thanks Carolyn we will have to be patient then. Let’s hope we find out before the courts shut for a month for summer holidays days.


    Thanks Angus I will email Emma tomorrow. We were in court 3.


    Hi Roy,

    Em Davies who is Treasurer of the Club will give you the information you are after.

    Just go on my Club at the top of the page and under contacts you will see his name with an envelope underneath it.


    Congratulations Richard. This is my first post on the new website and it is looking good 🙂


    Currently Neil all the rentals and resale details are kept on a spreadsheet so the club has history to refer back to at the end of the year. Will the new system have  a reporting tool?


    I am using a mobile phone and the layout is okay.


    After I placed an advert I then went back and edited the advert just changing the year.

    What is to stop a member who has rented their week then editing the year on their advert, this gives them a new advert without having to pay the required fee.

    Or am I missing something here.


    What apartment number please


    Currently £11 for 1 year, £27.50 for 3 years and £45 for 5 years. This could change in the near future.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Karen.

    I think it may depend on the device you are using. I am on my desktop and I like the drop downs.I think I might agree with David and Em if I was on iPad or laptop though. Karen