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  • #96957

    Beach Committee Meeting 20th June 2023

    Last years OGM was postpone until this year because the Audited accounts for 2019, 20 & 21 were not completed in time. Monte’s OGM went ahead but the accounts were only ready to be displayed at their OGM. As such no members saw the accounts prior to the OGM. On analysing these accounts, there were many comments made by the auditor that raised serious concerns with me. As such I highlit these points and raised them with management and had them minuted at the committee meeting. Because of these concerns in Monte accounts, the committee insisted that the Beach audited accounts up to end 2022 be ready to send out with the voting papers as has happened in all prior years and if they were not prepared in time to allow members to see them at least 2 months before the OGM, then we would need to consider a further postponement. As of today, these audited accounts have not been forthcoming but then, so far, the OGM papers have not been circulated either.

    I am please to announce that Dag Fin Erlandsen (Norway), Maudy Vaessen (Germany) and me, Richard Weston (UK), are standing for re-election to the Beach committee. We would ask all Beach members to vote for us. I have been on Monte and Beach committees for over 20 years and have fought hard for members rights and values during that time. It takes time and experience to properly represent the members and know management policies, and Dag Fin, Maudy and I have that experience. Sadly management do not always listen to our input but we know how to make the best out of our presentation. We are certainly very passionate about getting members points across to management.

    The fact that the company is in administration adds weight to the fact that ideally we don’t want change in representation while we try to get the best line of communication from the judge and administrator through to the individual members.

    Other points in the June meeting related to the Beach apartments air conditioning. In the recent very hot weather, members found it difficult to get apartments to an acceptable temperature. We were informed that the AC in Beach cannot be set on a per apartment basis. One unit supplies air at 20 degrees to many apartments so each apartment can only switch the AC on or off and that only supplies the bedroom. This was changed to more modern equipment in Puerto, Monte and Gran so the AC is one unit per apartment meaning they can set the temperature to a required level. In order to update Beach AC to a more modern system would require massive construction with many apartment closures and high expenditure. We will raise the question at the OGM and consider requesting an engineering plan for how long it would take, the inconvenience to members and the cost.

    The balcony flower boxes were yet again discussed as a necessary evil. As the water is the cause of the structural issues in the structure of Beach, a best case solution is required of cost versus looks. Keeping them empty does not look nice and removing them would be costly and create a lot of inconvenience and down time. Artificial grass was considered as a reasonable compromise to give some colour to the balcony whilst not requiring water. It was also a cost effective and minimal inconvenience solution. Other solutions were considered but all had more serious disadvantages. We hope to have photos of balconies already done as an example before doing them all.

    Members have raised issues with regard to the quality of fixtures and fittings in Beach. Beach is now over 30 years old and sadly it is showing its age now. Keeping furniture up to date is fairly straight forward and has been done over the years. However, the kitchen and bathroom design is old and really needs updating. Painting and patching has been done on a need to do basis but ideally this need a proper refurbishment. Again, down time and cost are prime factors in the decision making process. We are working with management to see what we can do here but that decision really cannot be considered or applied until we see the results of what happens with the administration process.

    The pool temperature was raised as a problem in recent years but that seems to have stabilised at 28-29 degrees in the last two times I have been out. We discussed the maintenance of the pool and have agreed that, as the next maintenance would be a major overhaul that might take up to 4 months, we would not consider this until 2025 at least.

    The next meeting is on 21st November prior to the OGM on 23rd November. When members receive their OGM papers I would ask you to contact me with questions, points to raise or complaints as soon as possible. I will also be out for 3 weeks in October when I will be meeting committee members from the other clubs where we will discuss members concerns and work to combine a strategy between the clubs to raise concerns at as many meetings as possible.

    The concession was also discussed to the effect that there is no further update on what you can see. There is no update on what might happen in the crazy golf. The old tennis courts have been laid with artificial grass and is used periodically in cycling and sports events that pass through Anfi. The island is rented, as a whole, to Maroa so nobody has any say in what happens there. The restaurants are part of the concession so Anfi has no say. The general impression is quality has reduced to “average” but the prices have gone up.

    I hope that bring everyone up to date on the Beach situation. If anyone has more specific questions I can help with, let me know. If anyone has any points they with raised at the next meeting and/or OGM let me know.




    Beach Committee Meeting   –   15th February 2023

    We ended 22 with a deficit of €159,877 which was better than expected considering the massive increase in gas and electricity costs.

    Whilst this deficit was taken from the replacement fund, the fund continues to remain in a healthy position. The contribution to the replacement fund will be increased back to previous levels in the next 2 years.

    The major topic of the meeting was the severe damage the balconies and parapets were showing after severe rotting of the concrete cancer. The committee member are very concerned at the method of repairs as we do not feel they are structurally sound despite the fact they have had 2 structural engineers report in agreement that the method of repair is correct. The committee challenged this. We will raise the matter again in the June meeting even though the repairs will be all but completed by then. The cause of the concrete cancer rotting the steel reinforcement is agreed to be due to the water seeping into the concrete from the balcony flower boxes. It is agreed that we should cease to have plants requiring watering on the balconies. After considering many options, the committee suggested, and management have agreed, to putting artificial grass on the surface. Whilst not ideal, it will give colour and a nicer finish than just the soil that is present now and has been for some years. We understand many members are not happy with this option but preserving the structure and soundness of the building has, in our opinion, to take preference over looks.

    The status of administration continues be frustrating with lack of information coming to members and the committees. We have asked if we can send questions through the CEO Snr Trujillo and management have agreed but not promised a reply. Thus we will put questions forward before June.

    We had considered installing solar panels to reduce our electricity bills but management inform us they would save only 10% which would not justify the capital expenditure. We will continue to investigate this option.

    We have had complaints regarding the pool temperature which we are told is not able to be increased due to multiple factors including the equipment is “not up to it”
    We dispute this fact and will review again in June.

    That is a summary of the salient points in February.




    To update members on the clubs occupation at the moment and for the foreseeable.

    I spoke to management this morning and Beach, Puerto and Emerald remain closed with no dates even in the possibility of being considered just now. This is not likely to be reviewed before the beginning to middle of June at this time. Because of this we have asked the committee meetings to be moved back from June to July so they can be held “in person”. As Maudy is already booked to be in Anfi for the Beach meeting on 15th June with flights already booked,  Dag Fin and I will attend that meeting by Zoom. We have asked for Gran and Monte to be moved back to second week July so all 6 committee members can be on site and thus have whatever meetings with management we can to address the last year of shutdown and upset, and identify what plans need to be made for the future with particular regard to compensation for members for not only last year but the current year up to 2022 budget.

    But I must reiterate to members that this is as unsettling a time for Anfi, as it is for members. We will lose money and bookings through no fault of either Anfi or ourselves. Rest assured we committee members are working tirelessly to get the best deals we can for members but some of us will lose out.

    Members must remember your fees are not “rental” but “maintenance fees”. As such the costs are there whether we are using our apartments or not, even with costs reduced through closure. That is not Anfi’s fault and members must understand that some/many of us may well have paid our maintenance fees and cannot use or rent out our weeks. Unfortunately that is a result of this Covid pandemic.

    There is no “one size fits all” solution to members issues in this last 2020/21 two year period. But be assured your committee members know all the issues that have been raised here, on FaceBook and by personal emails and are addressing these as they can. But there is no quick fix to these. The fix may not be visible or explainable until well into 2022. Even that is on the condition Covid vaccine and testing defences outstrip the onset of different variants so the end of this year sees the back end of this covid tragedy.

    I know it’s hard to take but please be patient until the July meetings when we will hopefully have more concrete information, guidance and solutions to pass on to you.

    After the cold wet May Bank holiday, believe me when I say I am doing my utmost to use what little influence the committees have to get you members back  back out to your beloved Anfi in the warm sunshine.


    The Anfi web page on 15th March said closed and would inform of opening when known. So far the committee have not been informed of any planned date. My flight out with Jet2 on 14th June for the June committee meeting was cancelled 3 weeks ago. Until the situation is more concrete I am reluctantly working on a “wait and see” and personally will book ASAP at the last minute first opportunity. I will however request if plans are afoot and will revert back to members when I know. But I will push management to update web as soon a as s decision made.


    What can I say? Troubling times for both Anfi and us members. To be honest I do not know what is going on with cancellation fees and vouchers despite enquiring many times. It does seem to depend on who you know and who you speak to. Sometimes staff will apply the rules to the letter and some will interpret but if they are open then they seem not to care whether we can travel or not. So it is difficult for us committee members to absolutely say what will happen as we are not being told exact methodology either. Their attitude is the decisions are of a member by member basis.

    If I am being honest, we are so concerned about the accounts and the viability of a Sales company that has probably not sold anything in 12 months, that we are concentrating on the bigger survival picture. I know these fees are annoying and in some cases unaffordable, but I would ask members to be patient until June 2021. The February meetings are Team meetings and the Anfi Team reception is so poor they are very difficult meetings to get fine detail out of. So we are waiting until the (hopefully) live meeting in Anfi in June to get the most widespread information including the AVC fees members are concerned about.

    I can assure members that no matter what happens their weeks are safe. Even if Anfi went bust, members weeks are safe in the hands of the trustees. But it is important that membership fees are up to date. It is also important members do not waste time and money suing Anfi. As Anfi will defend every case at whatever cost, we are concerned that that cost will possibly ultimately filter down to the members maintenance fees. I know it is hard to take in these times that are unpredictable and un-planable, so I implore all members to pay their fees and await the outcome. If we committee members have our way, we will try and help resolve these issues during this year, but the method of the solution may not be clear until we see what happens over the next 6 months with travel, vaccines, herd immunity, airline survivals, hotel and tourist industry survival etc.

    We are working hard to make sure your replacement fund and Maintenance fees are safe so that the Clubs can survive and continue as holidays for members in the future. If members pay AVC fees that can later be shown to be unfair, rest assured we will be addressing these matters and resolving them if possible retrospectively, but for now there is nothing we can do in the committees about them.

    Also there are many members indicating they are being “persuaded” to sign new contracts. Whilst I disagree with Anfi’s way of going about this using “blackmail” tactics, I would recommend all members sign the new contracts.

    And finally, more and more members are being contacted by telesales offering to sue Anfi. I get almost one a day, but whilst irritating, it is part of our 21st century claims culture I am afraid. If there is no money in the pot, and I believe there is none, then it is a waste of time, money, energy and emotion suing Anfi. The only liquid money in the pot, if my suspicions are correct, is ours. The members maintenance fees. So anyone suing now will be effectively risking draining money from the maintenance pot reducing the amount we need to maintain our Clubs. So please, please do not start any further law suits and anyone who can pull out of a law suit I would strongly recommend they do. This is for members benefit not Anfi’s. The only winner in these cases is the lawyer.

    I am happy to help and advise where members need it but there is little I can do until I am actually out there and the earliest for me will be late April.



    There is a difference between the Sales company, the Resorts management company and the clubs. The contracts are with sales so if Sales failed the contracts would be null and void also in my opinion but I am not a lawyer. Resorts are the management company which, I am led to believe,  has irons in other fires as well as managing the clubs. Thus Resorts has the right to make a profit and money going through their books is a mix of many things we are not privy to. The clubs are 5 independent separate not for profit organisations. The only bank account we see is the Replacement Fund. That money is isolated for use by the club. The maintenance fees and club expenditure goes through the nominal ledger books of Anfi Resorts. All we see are the summary accounts. We do not have access to seeing individual bank accounts or nominal ledger entries. We are kept in the dark in these matters and have to trust what we are being told.

    David is correct in that the bankruptcy report, whether true or not, is Cazorla and/or his companies. He owns 50% of Anfi so an insolvency action would look to sell the Anfi companies 50% he owns to raise funds to pay his debts. This would have no effect on the members ownership of week because this is in the hands of Continental Trustees. The only effect it may have on members is that if Anfi Sales could no longer pay their share of the maintenance fee for the unsold weeks then that would have to be divided between the individual members. This would cause an increase in individual maintenance fees for at least the first year. If, however, the unsold weeks reverted to the clubs, then clubs could rent and/or sell the weeks and the ongoing maintenance fee could possibly even reduce. An issue here is also what would Lopesan/IFA do? I believe they want Tauro really and Del Mar just happen to be in he deal. Would they let the clubs manage themselves? Would they try to convert Del Mar into a hotel? A minefield in my opinion and not good news for all of us happy dedicated members who want to stay.

    An awful lot of “if’s” here, but this is the reality of the situation. These are the facts your committee members continue to try and get hold of to keep you informed of what’s happening now as well as what we can expect in the future. Two of us have tried to get meetings with the senior directors but they refuse to meet or keep us truly informed which is frustrating when our only aim is to keep both members and the Anfi companies working and well informed. Information is king but sometimes we feel we are treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed shit)

    Stay safe and hope everyone gets out to Anfi soon. Missed my Easter fortnight and June is cancelled. Pray to god my October one happens. My poor boat will be filthy with all the calima sand that happened after we left in February.


    If members are happy to be Anfi members and enjoy their holidays there then members should be looking to maximise the chances of Anfi continuing to be the best place in the world for a holiday. The politics and arguments aside, the law changed and made the old contracts illegal. More fool Anfi for not addressing that at the time. In our blame and claim society that opened the doors for the legal vultures to make a meal of this. But claiming will ultimately destroy Anfi if it continues unchecked. If I had been Anfi Sales I would have closed down thus forcing new contracts on members but then that is me as a businessman.

    The revised contracts have removed the contentious parts and so the new contracts are worth signing. I would encourage members to sign the new contracts. I have assurance from Anfi that whilst there was a spell when it seemed like blackmail to get the voucher that is not the case now. The voucher is not conditional on signing a new contract. The new contract is being offered and encouraged by Anfi but it is entirely the members choice. Personally I would encourage all members to sign and add family members foc if they wish. The less law suits there are the more we can concentrate on the Corona issues of today.

    The committee members are in close contact with management regarding the “voucher” scheme which may have practical issues as well. Some members feel that a partial maintenance fee refund would be preferable to the vouchers as there may be issues in booking in the future due to availability issues.

    If fact it would be helpful if members might take the time to let me know their preference. A voucher for use in 21,22 or up to 23 or a percentage refund, say 35-40% of maintenance fee if you are caught out in weeks 11-30. Anfi prefer the voucher but some committee members are advocating the refund.

    It is true some members will lose out financially but that is the case across the world in businesses and personally. Some can afford it better than others. But in the essence of being “fair” and resolving the problem now, the refund would at least be some compensation.

    If I’m honest, I am on the fence as there are merits in both points. My only concern with the vouchers is if Anfi Sales fails as a result of the law suits, and then this crisis on top of it, the vouchers would become worthless because they would ultimately be redeemed by Sales availability in the future. No Anfi Sales, no weeks free for vouchers. But this is still in deep discussion and needs clarifying.

    The committee representatives have requested an urgent video meeting with management and await their decision to accept our request.

    The staff at Anfi are working extremely hard to resolve members issues but are having to make up things and adapt with no precedent to follow which is the same in many businesses throughout the world. We need to be tolerant and patient to allow Anfi and your committee representatives time to find the best solution. But there will not be a “one size fits all” answer. Some members will lose out I’m sure. I would ask members to be accepting of this and not make matters worse for everyone by attacking Anfi.

    Let me know what you think. if you wish you can email me on

    Richard Weston

    Monte and Beach committee member and AnfiUK International Relations officer


    Not sure where my reply went. I have put my 2 sons on my contracts. The “hotel” penalty has been removed tho I’ve not seen the rewritten document. They are bringing in E signatures (should have been by now) and Peter Siegler and I are to test the system so they can be signed remotely. I will be chasing for this facility when I return in October if it is not already in place.

    Amazing they are considering E signature technology but <i>flatly refuse</i> to communicate invoices, OGM and other documents by email and <i>flatly refuse</i> to have E-voting at the OGM despite the fact it is secure and would enfranchise a <i>lot more</i> members to vote instead of the precious few who do so now. And despite the fact that the 3 committee members in Beach demanded E-voting at this OGM but management refused to consider it

    Committee members and Anfi could reach out to a lot more members in this fashion.


    Hi Richard

    I had that same issue. I then asked for them to be posted to home which they did and I took them back. Saw Maria Hidalgo who agreed that contracts can be removed from Anfi to be scrutinized at your leisure. See Maria in customer service office. She is the boss. If you still have a problem, let me know cos I am out for a meeting in 3 weeks and I will raise the question again. I understood it was resolved. Also they are introducing electronic signatures so contracts can be signed remotely. Ask where they are up to with that.

    It Beach OGM next month. I hope you and everyone else will support my re-election.



    I am here just now and was supposed to get a “beta” version but surprise surprise management are on holiday. For a whole TWO weeks I am here. The director I have emailed for a meeting has refused to meet. So despite the “promise” of committee getting the app to test now for 2 weeks before our committee meetings next month it hasn’t happened. I have a Beach and Monte meeting end Oct beginning Nov and Gran is end Oct with Puerto end September so we will be pressing for the app as a priority. However in discussions today with another committee member it is becoming increasingly clearer that management do not want to communicate in any shape or form just now. It seems the Cazorla owner is waiting til the very last moment to sell out (when forced by circumstance) to IFA/Lopesan. On that basis we are probably wasting our time at the moment trying to achieve any form of resolution or way forward until Lopesan owns the whole of Anfi. On that basis (which I am coming round to myself) I think we should just be patient and let the thing play its course. If rumour is to be believed the current management will be “purged” by Lopesan anyway so trying to move forward with them is probably a waste of time. Be patient until this round of committee meetings has passed and we will report back what the committee members advise and how we should play this moving forward. We have a great resort here that we are all proud of that has been spoilt by the greed of one person. The solution is on the horizon and although I am not a patient person, in this instant I feel we need to wait for the outcome. The app will be pushed for anyway but it is likely to be much better refined with the skills that the Lopesan organisation has compared to the inept nature of the current Anfi management. (Who will probably disappear anyway after the acquisition by Lopesan)

    Will report back in November


    We are generally of the opinion that the constitution change does not alter “perpetuity” mentioned in your contract as the contract is between you and Anfi. However, the contract also refers to abiding by the constitution which overrules the perpetuity paragraph, or so they believe. The only way we will know this is if a post SGM law suit proves that point in court.

    But as we have told Anfi, this Resolution change does not resolve the floating and points issue and certainly does not resolve the taking of deposits in the cooling off period.

    I would ask members to BEG Anfi to liaise with their committee liaison members, in particular John and Me to follow what has been done so far to get to a final and proper solution for all our sakes. We have the answers but they won’t listen. Believe me when I say I have tried with three meetings with top management on top of the two committee meeting and the SGM last month. Pushing water uphill is the phrase I think


    Anfi management absolutely refute this is happening and the Sunshine is a spurious company. They have asked me if anyone has actually been able to booth through them. I have not tried but if I get time may test it.  They assure me that no bookings can be made in this medium and no booking will ever be able to be made in this medium.

    ‘If anyone has successfully managed I would ask them to contact me and supply me with documentation proving it so I can then challenge anfi on this matter.


    Sorry. No idea how many votes wasted. Of the 50 sent to me, 4 were filled out incorrectly.

    All contracts are in both names as they only sold to couples (don’t know if policy is still same). I’ll check accuracy, but I believe either/or of the named owners can sign to vote not both.

    Written constitution is the one when you bought and will not be updated unless you ask for a new one.

    I will be out of contact from today until Tuesday so cannot respond until then.

    One point to take on board is that if we committee members get our way and we will fight hard for that, anfi will have to re-write the whole thing to get the business and the member requirement to marry up to something that will satisfy both parties.  No guarantees and a vertical cliff climb but we will continue the fight on your behalf until we get what we want.


    And the numbers are

    BEACH                                                                             MONTE

    Resoltion 1       For        4342                                        2604

    Against 140                                            245

    Abstain. 34                                              38

    96% in favour so resolution passed   90% passed

    Resolution 2.  For.       2705                                         1106

    Against 1696                                          1629

    Abstain. 119                                            161

    18% in favour so resolution failed      9.15% failed

    Resolution 3. For.       2750                                          1105

    Against. 1657                                         1635

    Abstain.  115                                             156

    19% in favour so resolution failed.      9.14 failed

    Sorry was not in Puerto as don’t own and forgot to get figures from John so will get and publish but the percentages were the same with 1 winning with 90% and 2 & 3 losing with 9%

    But this is only the start as other issues need to be resolved.

    Been a long fortnight and I need to put a Beach and Monte Report together which I will do in the next few days. Sorry for delay but felt this took precedent as it actually did in bothe the meetings.


    After this debacle Anfi have agree to look at this and your committees are putting massive pressure on Anfi to expedite this


    Anfi sales will vote for the option receiving the most of members votes they say. Since most votes are postal they know which option has most votes prior to today’s meeting


    Hi Lisa

    You are perfectly entitled to disagree with me. Life would be so boring if we all agreed on everything. The big question is not who is right or wrong now. It is “what are we going to do about it?”

    Sure there is no doubt that Anfi have been proved wrong in the courts. But the rights and wrongs of that are less important now than what do the majority of members want? And most members are generally happy people wanting to come to Anfi for holidays now and for a long time to come. The average claim is £10-£20k plus costs and compensation. The original Norwegian who won her case admits she wishes she had never sued as the return was not worth the outlay in money and stress. If every member claimed that would be £360-£720m which would bankrupt Anfi and even members winning cases wouldn’t get paid. Anfi can easily pay the 200 plus claims at but the end result could be everyone is a loser.

    I believe there is a solution. Anfi do not have the word “communication” in their vocabulary though after our meeting with JLT they have now been taught the word. After the SGM on 23rd the result whichever way it goes will give us committee members the opening to step up communication and negotiation with the management.

    I make no promises because in any event these negotions are with the monkeys and not the organ grinders. But rest assured your representatives are working hard to try and resolve the issues, including getting a resale, rental and compensation program in the mix so members can continue to enjoy Anfi but have their “get out” if and when it is needed.

    The members meeting last Wednesday was very informative and can be viewed on FB live. Another meeting will occur this Wednesday 21st but unfortunately I have to return to UK for a couple of days so will miss Wednesday. But that will also be live streamed.

    I will continue to keep everyone informed of progress, if any, for the future but the result of the SGM is the next key point.


    One step at a time please. First let’s stop the war at least as much as possible.

    This is not, as Julie and many others point out, just the “in perpetuity” issue. And although the problem currently is a Beach, Puerto and Monte issue, it is actually a whole of Anfi issue. The solution is not in the fire fighting Anfi is doing at the moment but a complete restructuring that needs to take place.

    And we committee members are on with that today as I type. The picture is too big to paint on the forum or on Facebook. I have tried to allay fears as much as possible and explain things as is Wolfgang and the others. But as there needs to be a complete re-write across all the clubs our job at the moment is to convince the powers that be that the members have the answers that will satisfy both parties in a compromise.

    Pie in the sky? Possibly or probably if you are a pessimist. But the effort is being made.

    I urge anyone in Anfi to come to Maroa tonight and bring anyone you can get your hands on who doesn’t know about it. If you are not here we hop to live feed it on Facebook. I am trying to persuade the sales director and/or the CEO to attend. That’s how seriously Anfi and your committee members are taking negotiations


    Hi Angus

    Firstly, totally ignore anything Maria Hidalgo says. She’s a “yes” staff member and has no ability to think. Only passes info she is fed.

    LM is supposed to be a director but as a Spaniard is incapable of original thought also. I expect with all this shit he is desperate that he could lose his job. He is more compliant in our meetings than in the past but still has little influence in the overall scheme of things. JLT the CEO and Stefan the Sales directors are the ones I am targeting as they are the ones where decisions will count.

    Yes I am optimistic. Maybe I am stupid but if I go into this with pessimism then it is a lost cause before I even start. Winning is a state of mind and Anfi just don’t have that yet. I hope I can teach them that mentality.


    I agree Karen


    Blame Blame Blame.

    It our British culture and it really irritates me. Yes the contracts are illegal. That is not Anfi’s problem entirely. They were advised, wrongly, after the law was change, by their notary, as was all the Timeshare industry that their sales process and contracts were ok within the law. That was wrong as it turns out.

    So what are we going to do about it? Bankrupting timeshare companies does not resolve the problem. Especially for the happy members that want to continue. Many members are in a law suit with Anfi. How many of the 120+ have been paid? Prescious few. Stress. Uncertainty. Having to attend Spanish courts at additional cost. Laying possibly good money after bad. There is another way.

    Anfi are definitely running scared. So scared they are willing to talk. Can’t promise they will listen but they certainly seem to be moving that way. If members back off with their law suits, your committee members may be in a position to get an acceptable solution that suits both Anfi and members who want out. Greedy members who are on the band wagon money make are really causing difficulties for the rest of honest claimants.

    Remember, the only winners in fights like this are the lawyers. Why do you think CLA have the aggressive “Anfi style” sales pitch? It’s boss and many employees used to work for Anfi so the sales pitch is absolutely the same. I know because I met them, had their offer, and know exactly how they work.

    I implore members to back off for the time being and let us do the job you voted us in to do. My 2 weeks here is anything but a holiday. I have 6 meetings in 13 days plus all the networking that goes with it to support members on site. But that’s what I signed up for and am not complaining. A lot of what is happening is behind the scenes unfortunately so trust us to do our job. Please contact us directly by email to seek support.

    I am not always on the UK site but always have my phone with me. I endeavour to answer email queries quickly if I can (depending on whether my wife is watching or not 🙂 )


    I met with Stefan the sales director and am meeting with Jose Luis Trujillo the CEO tomorrow. There is a solution and suing Anfi ids not it. JLT mistake in this letter is it has not been run by the committee members and one point I would make to Anfi is “stop trying to solve your problems on your own without consulting us members”

    We are slowly getting through. Slowly. They realise there back is against the wall and they need to build trust back up again. A vertical climb but if they listen to what we are saying there is a solution. I have given them one. The next job is get them to look at it and follow it.

    I ask members to stop suing Anfi and give me/us committee members a chance to get a solution that get compensation for members without a law suit. It can be done.


    I think Anfi are in a panic over the claims mounting up. It’s taken them 20 years to consider how to legalise it and now they’ve decided, it is being badly thought out and is being done in typical Spanish chaos. The 23rd date was brought forward from 7/7 at our request because we are all there during the next fortnight and many of us with business commitments couldn’t get back again for the 7th. But the up side is that communication between us and management is better than it has ever been and irrespective of the outcome on 23rd we are using this more as a tool to build on this so we can get an Anfi that members can use better in the future in buying, selling, renting and generally communicating with Anfi itself. It’s not an easy route but we are all hopeful we will achieve more for members in the future than we have in the past. But to achieve this we need members to trust us to work for their benefit in the future and stop suing Anfi. Our aim will be to get a similar compensation without going to court and lining the only winners pockets – the lawyers.


    Bi-annual is a sales con. I paid £7000 for mine in Beach as it was the cheapest access to AVC. All you get is points and right to use, in my case, on odd years or the points useage. You cannot attend OGMs. You cannot vote. You cannot stand to be a committee member. I would imagine this must contravene any Spanish law that relates to this.

    I have not received my Monte papers yet and I fly on Saturday. I have asked Christine what my position is when I attend the meeting and I don’t have the papers. Perhaps as I am attending I will be given voting slips on the day. A mess really and not enough info from Anfi.

    Again I ask members to spread the word to attend the meeting at Maroa next week and look for it on live stream FB


    Of course you can Robert. Will be good to catch up

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