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  • #20738

    Dear Harry,

    Not a silly question at all. This is something that has vexed many owners.

    If you look here you will see that neither Anfi nor any other Spanish timeshare operator should be selling floating weeks at all.

    I have no reason to suspect that Anfi are selling more weeks than could exist. Indeed they have always claimed that Continental Trustees maintain a register to ensure this is not done. I believe that on recent floating contracts the underlying apartment and week number is actually specified as further reassurance.

    There are three categories of floating contract:

    • Preferred Members bought through Anfi and paid for the right to book weeks 18 months in advance of the date they want.
    • Standard Members who bought through Anfi and are in AVC can book 12 months in advance, except for weeks 51 & 52 which can only be reserved 10 months ahead.
    • Members depositing fixed weeks, resale floating owners and non-AVC members can book 10 months ahead.

    This means that you are at the back of the queue when it comes to reserving popular weeks, typically winter and school holidays, at Anfi. I tend to call Customer Services or AVC dead on 0900 10 months ahead and that mostly works. October can be problematic and November is always hard to get availability due to Scandinavian owners retreating from the cold.

    One solution you might want to consider is renting out your fixed weeks (assuming they are in popular times) and then renting from another member the weeks you want. The cost of one should cover the other.

    If you need further advice, please ask.




    I will pass your message to the Webmaster. There was an issue caused by our software supplier a few weeks ago but I understand that is all fixed.


    I received a message a few days ago telling me that the pool in Puerto will shortly be closed for about 2 months so it can be refurbished. It sounds like your comments have been supported by other people and Anfi have listened.

    This is the exact kind of thing you need to raise with your Liaison Committee members. You can find their details here:


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Brian Taylor. Reason: edit hyperlink

    Tropicana happy hour changed this week to 1630-1730. I have not seen the times in Monte Vista.


    And now happy hours have changed again! Maroa is still 1600-1800 but Tropicana is reduced to 1630-1730.


    Happy hour times at all Anfi bars are now 16h00 to 18h00. The same at Maroa except they do not have one at weekends. There is also a new cocktail bar by the marina which opens 18h00 to 24h00 every day except Wednesday. They have no happy hour but do have live music.


    Hi Trevor

    There is no clear answer as it depends on your bank/credit card charges. If you opt to pay in pounds on the Anfi site their bank gives you the current bank (not tourist) rate less 2.99% commission.

    I pay in euros with a Nationwide or Halifax Clarity credit card as the give you the current inter bank rate at the moment of the transaction with no charges at all. If you have a card like that, then Euros are best. For advice on the best options for future reference see here

    Incidentally this site is brilliant for finding the best travel money rates when you need cash


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by RogerB.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Brian Taylor. Reason: added hyperlink

    The mini golf is now open between 0830-2130 and the holes have been unblocked. Before you get too excited, you need to bring your own balls and clubs. There are some loan ones (see post above) but it is not always clear how to get them.


    Easyjet are being very strict with ‘one carry on item only’ policy. This does not mean a hand bag plus a case.


    Things are not helped by Air Berlin/Niki ceasing trading a couple of weeks ago.

    We often find surprising results with indirect flights from BA/Iberia/Veuling group or Air Europa.

    One thing to watch for is the Easyjet luggage policy. They are now very strict on one item of carry on baggage. You cannot have a handbag or laptop bag and a case. I found this out on a flight in the Autumn. Very expensive error.



    I am now at Anfi and can tell you that it is distinctly lacking festive decorations in the Plaza and island. The things we noticed are no tree and no lights around the palm trees. There are lots of poinsettias in evidence, but that is about it. I have heard several stories about the lack of a tree. These range from the previous tree being unserviceable (but this was not noticed until it was too late to buy a new one) to it being on Narval’s concession area and they should pay for it. Who knows what the truth is.

    I can report that Santa arrived as usual and there is a full programme of the normal events.

    If anyone wants to make contact I am in Monte 520 until 6 January.



    These photos are at the Faro rather than Anfi, but I am out there on 23/12 and will report back.


    The provisional date is 21 April but we are wondering whether to have a social event or an informal AGM. Let us know what you think. In the past couple of years attendance has been very good, but this has been driven by the lawyers meetings and claims. This seems to to have abated and we cannot justify having a formal AGM with fewer than 25 people due to the cost. So if you want to have a meeting in 2018, let us know.

    Roger Byatt


    I was part of this group. The waiter to seek is Eduardo. He was great. They seemed to cope with our large group very well, even managing to keep the bills separate on their handheld computers so there was none of this ‘What did I have?’ doubt afterwards.

    I do recommend booking.

    The food was very good. Wine will add to your bill. A good bottle of Rioja Reserva is around €30-40.

    My meal was about €45 for two courses, wine and water.


    The new concessionaire is a company called Narval. Like Anfi, they operate on licence from the Spanish Coastal Authority (hence the concession). Everything has to be licensed as part of a plan submitted for approval. The problem was, as I understand it, that Anfi failed to get permission for the tennis, football and mini golf. However, this is not just an Anfi issue. You may have noticed a couple of the beach restaurants have closed. I think one was called Montsemar Playa.



    Just to be clear, the U.K. Club forum is an expression of the personal views who make posts. We do not countenance personal abuse in any form but, unfortunately, British sarcasm can be misinterpreted. I personally value Richard’s business insight, passion for Anfi and commitment to improving this place for the long term.



    Dear Peter

    I am very sorry to learn of your loss. I can understand that you do not want to go to Anfi at present. Unfortunately these charges are something we have complained about but seem unable to change. Maybe things will be different once the ownership changes.


    If you and your brother are planning to use the apartment regularly you might want to save some money and put it into your joint names at the same time as removing your late wife’s details.



    That is a good turnout, or does it include Anfi Sales votes?


    Floating week owners have to book their week or tell Anfi they are carrying it forward (deposit it) by a date in September every year. The date changes depending on the timeshare calendar.  Anfi do not warn you to book – you are supposed to remember.

    Every year many floating week owners fail to book and lose their weeks, even though they have paid their maintenance.  I know because it happened to me one year. You tend to remember after that. I have a recurring reminder set in my calendar for 1 Sept reminding me to book or carry forward.

    It’s in the Anfi Vacation Club rules on the website:

    “If members do not want to use their floating week/apartment they need to deposit their weeks to Anfi Vacation Club for either an Internal Exchange or an External Exchange. Deposits to be requested in writing no later than 90 days before the start of week 51 or by clicking on the below link:”

    There is now a link so that you can deposit your week(s) online.

    Julie Jordan

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Julie Jordan.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Julie Jordan.

    Went to Valentino’s on 21/2/17 and had a delightful evening sitting outside listening to the waves and watching the world go by.

    I had the fish of the day special. This was a cod baked in a lovely orange and ginger sauce served with cous cous and a selection of light vegetables and fruit. It was beautifully presented and tasted great. The price was €14.20.

    If you have not been there, it is worth trying.


    Roger’s input also copied here:

    Submitted by Roger as he is unable to post this himself. He explored the options by joining. I pasted the text here from his email to me

    1. We do not ask for both a landline and mobile.
    2. I think one or the other should be mandatory
    3. In the address field the second line reads suite etc, but for UK should be area/town/address line 2 (or something!)
    4. There should be an optional field for house name
    5. It looks as though you can join without giving any details of what you own and it is not obvious that this information is required
    6. In the timeshare details there is no apartment number or type. Presumably one short form per week owned?
    7. How are biennial owners to enter their details
    8. Partner’s name is useful
    9. On the joining field I am not sure we need the quantity and the drop down dialog box
    10. In the existing membership fields I think we do not need Skype or referrer (unless we are going for a member get member competition)
    11. We do need somewhere an expiry date and the system needs to cope with manual renewal where some people renew early and others take a gap in membership, so it needs to be reasonably intelligent in setting membership dates
    12. There should be a place we can manually re-set passwords for the less computer literate, although hopefully this will be needed less in future!
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by oothadmin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by oothadmin.
Viewing 21 posts - 51 through 71 (of 71 total)