Tony Avery

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  • #22288

    Yes, it’s for using our week from the previous year.

    I’m obviously in the wrong job!

    Thanks Julie


    Hi Julie

    Yes, JLCA have advised us that until our contract is declared nul and void to use our weeks. Although renting out could be seen as making a profit.

    With this in mind I have been trying to book a week for our daughter to use from 2 weeks we deposited last year. I was completely unaware that I would be charged again for the privilege. Maintenance paid, AVC fees paid and now an added charge of 91e per week, to use them.

    They are really making money from old rope. What is this extra charge for, I ask?

    Kind regards



    Thanks Julie.

    I’m just concerned that if I book weeks for later in the year and a decision is made by the courts before this (maybe this is wishful thinking), Anfi could cancel the accommodation even tho I have paid for them.

    Can’t say I’m looking forward to court. We are still waiting to hear back from lawyers regarding who is representing us and where and what time we will meet up before hand. We fly out tomorrow! :o(