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    Advert administration in the main screen above means that the advertiser can manage his own adverts (change the advert content like price …, deactivation after successful rental or resale).

    As said, putting adverts and changing its content requires authorisation by Google or Facebook login to check the identity.

    Regards, Wolfgang


    The app is not from Anfi and the advertiser is anonymous for both Anfi and the enquirers. It will work like this:

    After the enquirer clicks one advert a ‘system message’ (email or FB message) goes to the advertiser (not shown in the advert, but known by the system). Only after the enquirer gets a response from the advertiser he knows of his identity and can negotiate the rental or resale.

    “notifications for wanted weeks” means that the enquirer can put a search advert and will get an ‘automatic notification’ if a any new advert matches the searched week.

    Means, this are automatic processes requiring no administration.

    Regards, Wolfgang


    The app would have the following features:

    – In German, English, Norwegian language
    – Anfi timeshare calendar
    – Available rentals & resales & to rent are listed as overview
    – Click on reference number opens the advert detail
    – Published adverts are anonymous (privacy)
    – Users can contact the owner just by click (email, FB messenger)
    – Advertising requires social media login for authorisation
    – Login by Google or Facebook account
    – Adverts can be changed and deactivated
    – Rental adverts expire at arrival day
    – Resale adverts expire after 18 month
    – Expired adverts are deactivated automatically
    – SMS notifications for wanted weeks
    – SMS general notifications.
    – …

    No fee for advertising. Fully automated process … Fully outomated administration …

    Technology: Client Android (iOS) – Webserver (WordPress) communication with backend database and reference ID’s of adverts.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    Committee meetings are confidential. So, the following report is by no means a committee meeting report and I can only inform about what I feel is allowed or I can dare to say.

    Since the last meeting end of June nothing of importance has happened so I restrict myself to the financial matters.

    The grand total expenses in 2016 were about 2 % over budget due to an extraordinary increase of staff cost of 3.68 % which cannot be explained by the increase of salaries alone which have been budgeted by 1.75 %. This was caused by many sick staff employees (including shared reception staff with Monte) who left vacancies which had to be filled up. The deficit was put forward to 2017 and was about 1 % end of August. The expenses are slightly below the budget and so the club management is confident that at the end of the year the expenses will come into line with the total yearly income.

    The budget for 2018 will be decided by the committee with the new elected committee members based on the October financial figures. The staff cost is expected to rise in 2018 by 1.5 % and the first guess is an increase of the maintenance fee by about 2 % with optionally a modest increase of the replacement fund of 13.0 % by 0.25 or 0.5 %.

    A question before was if it would be possible to serve drinks in the pool area from the Puerto restaurant as done in the other clubs. This is not possible due to missing space for tables, but the restaurant is nearby to fetch drinks from the bar or to go into and sit down.

    An Anfi app for Android and iOS will be soon available in the app store. The app is in the first step basically identically with the website but allows users to be notified about new information in different fields of interest and may be enhanced in future.

    Wolfgang Maerz

    Committee member Club Puerto Anfi

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    I will report about the Puerto committee meeting and the OGM next week when I am at home. Here only the main result of the OGM:

    All three candidates, Ruth Breitkopf (Germany), John Meykel (Netherlands, re-elected), Inger-Lise Welo (Norway), have been elected with about the same number of votes (1,500). No surprise, because only one vote was sufficient to become elected.

    With this result my membership in the Anfi Puerto committee ends and I thank also Anfi UK for supporting me.

    Having had a good relationship with the Anfi management with many fruitful discussions and as well with the committee members of all clubs, I look back much positive and what remains is a valuable experience.


    The Spanish Act 42/1998 created timeshare rights called “rotational enjoyment rights” for a period of up to 50 years. The Supreme Court decided that this is true for all contracts after the law came into force so Anfi had to comply with this even the law can be read the other way. At the SGM’s (Special General Meetings) of Beach, Puerto and Monte more than 80 % of certificates of voters (not certificates of all members) voted not to change the timeshare regime but to establish occupancy periods of maximum 50 years duration, with an option to extend for further reoccurring occupancy periods of 50 years to be manifested in new constitutions.

    The question is if with this the claim wave of illegal contracts with unlimited maturity is stopped or not, a legal question to be decided by court soon.

    Some argue (JLCA) constitutions are part of the contract and with the updated constitutions claims are not possible any more. Other say (CLA) that the contract is between two parties, Anfi and the member, and cannot be changed by a new constitution with majority voting of only 80 % of voters, not members, and that as a consequence the contract can only be changed by the two parties involved.




    It’s now here: http://timeshare-talk.info/2017/08/11/anfi-status/



    1. Contract only in perpetuity or in perpetuity with floating weeks?

    2. If also inj perpetuity, did Anfi at court argue with the new constitution?



    By the way, Anfi sales pays also maintenance fee for unsold weeks.

    Years ago Anfi management proposed that members should pay with the maintenance fee part of the Anfi RDO membership fee. This was denied by committee members. Now it is proposed by committee members that members should finance with the maintenance fee ADMF. This is denied by Anfi management.

    Maintenance fee is for the operation of the club. To spend it outside for political aims in the interest of one party seems to be a problem. Members and owners have common but also different aims.


    The results are published in the member section of each club on the Anfi website. Furthermore Anfi will inform all members soon by letter post.

    I think they will not make any more comments on it because they are very cautious about legal things. But you are right …



    The answer at the last Puerto comittee meeting 2 weeks ago was that the constitution has to be requested by each member individually and will be issued as paper.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    See http://insidetimeshare.com/anfi-special-general-meeting-vote/

    This is a summary of the SGM’s Beach, Puerto & Monte on 23th June 2017 from the claim industry’s view including CLA performance.



    We discussed it in the committee meeting Puerto today and have no explenations.

    Years ago RCI was taken to court in US for renting out weeks of high value to certain companies which are not available to book for RCI members anymore. Nobody knows if they proceed with this illegal actions.



    Julie, from my experience you do not get the changed constitution automatically, you have to request it and you get it only as paper, not electronically as PDF.

    What I have got was not amended, it is the full text of the 2013 CPA constitution.



    In all clubs more than 90 % voted for resolution 1. About 10000 votes together for all clubs.



    That was my mpression as a legal amateur too. But that cannot be.

    I will ask the management in the upcoming Puerto comittee meeting next week.



    Julie, what is your opinion about this:

    The resolutions speak only about members, but in fact we have two groups of members, those who bought before the law 42/1998 came into force and those after it.

    Those before the law should have a valid in perpetuity contract. But the resolutions seem to ignore that.




    Angus, see


    How can this tourist office offer accommodation in Anfi del Mar?

    It must be over RCI. RCI is an exchange company for their members. But they seem also to sell to certain companies.

    I am not sure but I suspect that Anfi Sales puts his unsold weeks in the AVC and sells (not exchanges) them to RCI who sells them further.




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    I just read the news on this website “Advice received from JLCA yesterday for those making claim is that a vote of “No” should be given to all three resolutions.

    We are sorry that this has come too late for some who will have already returned their voting form. This has been a very short notice development and not all of us have received notification of the meeting as yet.”

    In the meantime there is a further JLCA mail to members with date 14th June which analyses three cases: claims with pending decision, claims that are in the process with pending decision, and future claims.

    I fully understand that JLCA wants to protect their clients. JLCA, different to CLA who proposed to abstain, proposes to vote also at the last two cases with NO to all resolutions. Means, also if you intend to make a claim AFTER the SGM.

    I am not a lawyer and at court you never can be sure but I think the background is:

    If you make a claim after the SGM (I assume resolution 1 comes through) the judge would normally declare the contract still null and void because a majority voting on casted votes only can not change this. But if the claimant has not voted this may be taken by Anfi as a proof that he did not care about it and he may lose the case. If instead the claimant has voted against all resolutions with No, his bilateral contract dated before the SGM together with the proof of the signed voting may help to win the case.

    The latter to happen it would be important to make a copy of the vote, and obtain a proof of postage which can be presented at court. Unfortunately this proposal of JLCA came for some a bit too late. Nevertheless it was better than the proposal of CLA not to vote at all.

    It is interesting to note that CLA, different o JLCA, arguments not to vote your rights away without compensation. Besides compensation may drive Anfi into bankruptcy, there may be quite different opinions what a ‘fair’ compensation should be and further court trials may feed CLA’s pockets.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    Julie, I completely agree with you!

    None of the three resolutions can change bilateral illegal contracts and so Anfi still has to deal with them. I think that resolution 1 is only the first step to take the legal route (50 year period).

    I am not sure but there may be the chance for them to block claims at court after the date of the SGM.

    I am also not sure if resolution 1 is legally valid if checked at court.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    Brian, I agree with most you say. But JLCA says: “JLCA do not agree with this recommendation as we do not believe it is in the interest of our clients in respect of making a claim.”

    This means the club recommendation is not the same with what the lawyers (including CLA) recommend to their clients. No-no-no alone makes no sense without a plan or alternative.

    Eugen Kaiser has proposed in the FB voting to vote no-no-no because the legal right way would be that Anfi should compensate members. I am not sure but I think he means a fair buy back program and compensation for those who stay at Anfi and accept (legal) replacement contracts.

    This may be legally correct but may drive Anfi into bankruptcy.





    Julie, I understand but the statement of JLCA was posted on FB Anfi del Mar in public. So I saw no harm copying and posting it here.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    See reply to Julie.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by WolfgangMaerz.

    There is a NEW Anfi letter regarding CLA marketing activities (CLA not mentioned) and claims.

    Letter #1

    Letter #2


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