Robert Dickson

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    We have 2x resale 1 bed floating weeks at Gran, we have to book through Customer Services rather than AVC.

    We can’t change where we go as we are also excluded from AVC.

    If I was looking to buy anything else, I would only look at fixed weeks as it is the only thing that seems to have any sort of value going forward.





    I agree with Brian’s comments also.

    Anfi would probably only be interested in doing something if it was to their advantage, like taking fixed weeks off you which they could convert to floating or points.

    I am sure you could pick up another resale fixed week 2 bed for less than the amount Brian was offered, but it still leaves you with your floating weeks to move on, which isn’t easy as there is not much value there.

    Perhaps the new owners may come up with some sort of solution that would suit EVERYONE.

    I don’t know why Anfi treat resale owners as such.

    If you work it out, Anfi have made more money from you buying resale contracts through the various transfer fees than if the original owner had kept it and just paid their normal maintenance every year.

    Those transfer fees are extra income Anfi would never have made.






    Many apologies for the delayed response.

    Unfortunately we never ventured that far with Valentino’s and El Gaitero still getting our vote, and euros!!




    Hi David


    We saw it on Monday when we arrived. I haven’t seen anyone in it working or bringing it to completion or anything, most things are still covered up




    Nice to know of another good Italian.

    Thanks David



    Forgive me if I am wrong, but from memory you have, or had some sort of link with JLCA, so I understand your defence of them at every opportunity.

    However, it sounds as if everyone has the same gripe with JLCA, and that is communication.

    I appreciate that it would be a waste of time sending everyone an email every week to say that they don’t have an update, however I don’t think it much to ask for a quarterly update as a lot of people on this forum have not had any updates for quite some time.

    Everyone seems to be doing all the chasing, which over time, erodes all confidence in the people you are chasing.




    Looks like I dodged a bullet there Brian!

    I had actually just returned from Anfi after buying on a walkaround tour whilst on holiday with Thomas Cook (TC presented it at their welcome meeting!), came back and saw what they were going for and s**t myself. To be fair, they told me EXACTLY what to do to cancel.

    I bought a week from them in Jan 2009, all the paperwork came back in May-booked it for June.

    Went and came back with no problems, obviously thought of no problem and bought the other week off them-same again-no problems.

    In fact the guy got me it for cheaper than advertised as he was buying a pair from a couple and if he could get someone else to take the other week he reckoned he could get a bit off.

    Sorry to see it went off the rails for them, but the service for me, at that time was impeccable.

    I wonder if it was a change of management or something? I just checked back on my emails, I was dealing with the owner and his wife-Jason & Nikki Clowrey.

    They saved me a fortune, and I can only speak from my personal experience.





    That’s good to know Tony as I’m sure many will agree that it can be a bit of a minefield.

    The company I used in the past (Visions of the World) were great but I don’t think they are around any more.




    Booked with Ryanair today for June from Glasgow-Too much of a saving to ignore as Thomson from Edinburgh was more than double the cost and I don’t fancy doing multiple stops. I enjoy my holiday far too much to be sitting in various airports.







    On that note I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.




    Robert & Amanda


    I had previously said that the flights with Thomson in June 2018 from Edinburgh for 2, with luggage and extra legroom seats was over £1000-that still remains the same.

    Ryanair are £494 from Glasgow for more or less the same thing, albeit not the best flight times-but also not the worst.

    I am sooooooo reluctant to book with Ryanair because of all the cancellations to their schedule but I feel it’s far too good a deal to knock back.

    Does anyone else have any reservations (If you’ll pardon the pun) with Ryanair??





    On a slightly different tangent-I think most people would be shocked to see how much their case weighs with no luggage in it!!

    We bought the lightweight cases a couple of years ago and they can make all the difference, although we are always hold luggage rather than hand.






    We had a few years where we struggled to get our 2 resale weeks together, however we managed to get 2017 and 2018 booked for 2 weeks each year.

    But it’s certainly not simple.





    Been going to Happy Valley for a 2-3 years now since it was recommended to me by Saverio Calo-excellent food, service and value.

    It’s now a must for us since Mem Saab closed.





    Hi Brian

    Regarding the Rep saying Anfi wanted to take a bigger role in resales.

    I feel that for years Anfi have almost ignored the existence of the resale market, other than to charge large fees on change of contract.

    I think they could have had the resale market more or less sewn up years ago if they had taken heed to the fact that not everyone would be keeping their weeks until they were pushing up daisies. If they had done something, they could have at least offered a good return to owners and made a fee and everyone would be a lot happier than they are now, where we are in a position that floating weeks are more or less worthless and in some cases people just giving them away to others who will cover the transfer fees.

    It would be great if they took a constructive and ‘open’ approach to resales

    Let’s wait and see what happens.




    Why can’t people just get on with enjoying Anfi where possible?

    As David said, it is just doing us all a dis-service.

    Having shared a few beers on a few occasions with Richard I am convinced he works very hard on the various committees and can do without this.

    Spats between this forum and that forum are getting very tedious now and no-one wins.




    They could be people who have rented from friends, family etc.






    I have had a few cold calls recently as well, I normally tell them I don’t own anymore and never hear from them again.

    As for being mis-sold-I wasn’t and would never claim to be.

    Did I initially pay too much when I originally bought?-yes-that was down to my interpretation of value.

    We, like most, enjoy Anfi and are very happy with what we have, but every luck to everyone who has a claim if they feel they have been ‘wronged’




    You only have to look at what places like the nearby Radisson Blu charge per night to see what could be made for vacant rooms.





    Not the most tempting offer if I must say.


    We normally go to Anfi in June and generally check skyscanner as Thomson normally release their flights around now.

    Long story short-Thomson now don’t fly from Glasgow on a Monday-only a Thursday.

    Thomas Cook don’t fly on a Monday either.

    I can fly with them from Edinburgh, which is fine. However the price for both of us with a bag each and extra legroom was over £1000!!!!!

    I am astounded!!

    My other option is Ryanair for around £400-but I don’t even know if they will be around next year after what has happened. They announced more flights last week that would be affected into March next year and GLA-LPA was one of them-I can see that extending.

    I also don’t fancy doing multiple stops.

    Monarch went down the pan last week due to over capacity in Spain-really????

    Any suggestions would be helpful as over £1000 is simply unacceptable for 2 flights to the canaries-that’s New York prices!!






    I didn’t realise Lopesan were buying the other share as well.

    Surely this can only be positive.






    I don’t do facebook so I would be none the wiser.






    Does Alan J Hutt have a tongue, or just a keyboard?

    Seem a bit strange he has a spokesperson.






    Unfortunately, as they are resale weeks we are excluded from AVC and cannot exchange or transfer.

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